I can't get Call of Duty2 to run in multi-player mode--single player works fine is this a know problem? I didn't see anything at the Activision site that says it not compatible with 64 bit
I'm confused; why would I patch Call of Duty2 with Call of Duty4? If that works I'd really be surprised. Am I understanding you right?
I've got the 1.3 patch, it makes no difference
Got punkbuster. Tried the right click on the desktop shortcut for the multi-player and got the usual starup screen then the windows notice it's being shut down. Windows says it's checking for a solution but one never comes. I'm I going to have to go back to XP to play my favorite online game?
Hey Navy,
I think dmex may have looked at an older distribution of directx. Here's the link for March 2008 DirectX.
I hope it may solve your problem. If it still doesn't help, try simply reinstalling the game.
The new directX did'nt help and I reinstalled the game already. I really don't want to go back to XP but I'm starting to think it's my only option.
Being a noob, it took me a while to figure out what UAC was but I found it. Disabled it and quess what? The same old error. I can play the game fine in single player but the multiplayer refuses to load. Any other ideas?