Hi I'm trying to install Warcraft 3 ROC on my vista ultimate x64. I set the disk up as use windows xp sp2 to install, when it finishes it comes up and says:
C:\\Users\!BoWwy@!(!\!\\AppDate\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\StartMenu\\Programs\Warcraft III
Error 0x00000003: The System cannot find the path specified.
I tried also installing it to the Program Files and Program Files(x86) and I also tried copying the disk to my harddrive and installing it and all failed.
C:\\Users\!BoWwy@!(!\!\\AppDate\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\StartMenu\\Programs\Warcraft III
Error 0x00000003: The System cannot find the path specified.
I tried also installing it to the Program Files and Program Files(x86) and I also tried copying the disk to my harddrive and installing it and all failed.