FSX Loosin RAM during GAme


FSX/ i cant fly for more than 1 hour,after that time i get,your computer has not enough RAM to continue,aplication will now close,i HAte this crap!!:mad:!

My Computer

HI mate. Tell us your setup so as to get a more clear indication as to why this is happening and see if we can pin it down...

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Dual Core E7200
    Asus P5K
    4GB DDR2 800 SDRAM
    Graphics card(s)
    GForce 8600GTS 512mb
    Sound Card
    Auzentech XFi Prelude 7.1 on Onkyo605 Rxer
    Monitor(s) Displays
    20" Samsung SyncMaster 206BW
    Screen Resolution
    Internet Speed
    Sky UK
Well your specs are well up to FSX. Has this just started to happen recently..ie. after you installed something? 4GB is overkill so you should not have anything like RAM issues unless its something you recently installed and is causing conflicts somewhere.
Do you have the FSX SP2 installed? Any FSX addons gone haywire? Pagefile OK?
You see its hard to tell what the cause could be without a fair few questions.

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Dual Core E7200
    Asus P5K
    4GB DDR2 800 SDRAM
    Graphics card(s)
    GForce 8600GTS 512mb
    Sound Card
    Auzentech XFi Prelude 7.1 on Onkyo605 Rxer
    Monitor(s) Displays
    20" Samsung SyncMaster 206BW
    Screen Resolution
    Internet Speed
    Sky UK
everything is ok but can you please explain the pagin thingi?how can i set it so i dont get this ****,SSP2 is installed via acelleration ,i got ASX,UTX,GEX,FSC8.2( Automatic Weather gen.ultimate terrain x,Ground enviro X,flight sim comander),dual monitors,and i have posted the problem in the ech forums with no luck,now can i do something to increase or fix the Paging file,And BTW,thanks

My Computer

Well seeing as you dont know what a pagefile is, then you have not messed with it, so thats ok. It can be left alone on default.
I have FSX with the acceleration pack and a number of 3rd party addons like yourself, but I have no problems.
So unfortunately the only thing that I can now recommend is to reinstall it. Its possible that some registry entries have become corrupted and the only way to fix this is to reinstall. Sorry, but if anyone else can suggest anything....

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Dual Core E7200
    Asus P5K
    4GB DDR2 800 SDRAM
    Graphics card(s)
    GForce 8600GTS 512mb
    Sound Card
    Auzentech XFi Prelude 7.1 on Onkyo605 Rxer
    Monitor(s) Displays
    20" Samsung SyncMaster 206BW
    Screen Resolution
    Internet Speed
    Sky UK
But the thing is..I can run it OK and have not touched any background apps, so the obvious thing points to either a corrupt installation or something that you have installed after FSX that could be interfering and taking up a lot of resources without you knowing, such as a defragger or virus/antispyware app.

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    Dual Core E7200
    Asus P5K
    4GB DDR2 800 SDRAM
    Graphics card(s)
    GForce 8600GTS 512mb
    Sound Card
    Auzentech XFi Prelude 7.1 on Onkyo605 Rxer
    Monitor(s) Displays
    20" Samsung SyncMaster 206BW
    Screen Resolution
    Internet Speed
    Sky UK