I downloaded BB flash Recorder and it installed a "Display Driver" into my computer.. and it started to mess up my computer.. Such as: The icon in my browser displaying as a "page" right next to the url.. and the worst part about this was youtube not displaying properly.. (I try to enlarge the vids and it lags, sometimes when i do enlarge it It gets a blackish covering) The problem was bb flash Recorder being downloaded.. on My Vista Home Premium 32 bit system.. Can anyone help me uninstall everything? i tryed to uninstall BB Flash, but the Display driver stayed.. If i need screen shots to be put up, i will.. just ask me.. thanks for reading and for your time..
Probably the best and cleanest way is with a system restore. You will be back the way you were before the install, with no further action on your part.
Be sure you pick the date just before the install. http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/76905-system-restore-how.html
Your stuff will not be changed.