Hi; after formatting of my PC with recovery CD to factory setting, I could not start my PC with recovery CD as: 1) operating system is unknown
2) copying of the folder failed
3) Bootrec.exe does not work as the commands are not working ( message: Command is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.)
4) start up repair is not working as I received:
Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically
Problem detail:
Problem event name: startup repairV2
problem signature 01: external media
problem signature 02: 6.0.6001.18000.
problem signature 03: 4
problem signature 04: 65537
problem signature 05: unknown
problem signature 06: corruptPartition Table
problem signature 07: 0
problem signature 08:1
problem signature 09: fixpartitionTable
problem signature 10: 1168
Os Version:: 6.0.6001.
Local ID: 1033
I used f8 and F10 and f12 keywords but I could not solve my problem so I am struggling to start my PC with Windows Vista and recovery CD. Can you please let me know how can overcome to this issue?
2) copying of the folder failed
3) Bootrec.exe does not work as the commands are not working ( message: Command is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.)
4) start up repair is not working as I received:
Startup repair cannot repair this computer automatically
Problem detail:
Problem event name: startup repairV2
problem signature 01: external media
problem signature 02: 6.0.6001.18000.
problem signature 03: 4
problem signature 04: 65537
problem signature 05: unknown
problem signature 06: corruptPartition Table
problem signature 07: 0
problem signature 08:1
problem signature 09: fixpartitionTable
problem signature 10: 1168
Os Version:: 6.0.6001.
Local ID: 1033
I used f8 and F10 and f12 keywords but I could not solve my problem so I am struggling to start my PC with Windows Vista and recovery CD. Can you please let me know how can overcome to this issue?