Have Vista Home Premium (SP1??? this I am not too sure) 32 bit..on my HP laptop, but had a graphic card repair on the system. The system was working after the repair but had to be wiped clean afterwards for security reasons.
Attempted to reinstall with VHP disc which was given to me after purchase and I am wondering if it is suitable for this laptop. When checking on device manager...namely: Base system device (x3) Coprocessor(x1); SM Bus Controller (x1) and Unknown Device (x2) drivers were missing!
Would it make any difference if the original installation in the laptop was with SP2 and the new installation was with SP1? Or is this not an issue?
My concern is to know what to do?
Another option and I would appreciate the support. As it has a 64 bit Dual core processor I could immediately buy a direct or upgrade to Windows 7?
If you go to Control Panel\System, the Windows Edition section will tell you what's installed.
What do you mean by it was wiped clean? If the drive was reformatted, it shouldn't make any difference what was on it before. You can't install SP2 unless SP1 is installed and you can't install SP1 unless the base version is installed. I'm assuming the VHP disc is just the base version. In that case, you should install it and then download/install SP1. Let it download all the updates and install them. Then download/install SP2 and do the same.
Thanks for this. Because the device drivers as mentioned have not been installed I am unable to get onto the internet to download the network adapter to do the like. I have been given a link to gain the network adapter drivers but how do I do this? Do I go on to this HP link and download only these drivers onto another computer and transfer them to a memory stick and then upload into the computer which requires them. With the network adapter functioning then do I install SP1 as you suggest and when that has been activated download and install SP2...then the problem will be fixed. As I say it is those device drivers as mentioned which have not been installed which is causing the trouble,
I cannot understand this situation. For a trial I downloaded the OS as mentioned for a clean install onto a similar FJ laptop with a similar config...sweet....nothing wrong - all drivers are working well on this new laptop.....What is going wrong??? Do I have to pay up for another installation disc...sorry for my naievity but I am not a nerd but understand generally how comps function.....They are still very anachronistic in their functions...switch them on and they should work...
I feel there is confliction on the original OS which was put onto the laptop and the disc which was sent to me by the company with its authentication key....or indeed the graphic card which was changed has some changes which need the drivers as given as Code 28 was prevalent in those drivers as mentioned.
The OS disc I used was great for two other laptops - perfect installation with or without SP1 or SP2 that is the point...There was no Code 28 errors on those machines...so why on this one...must be the graphic card....classifie as new hardware!
What is your opinion? I cannot get on to the internet...even the ids at M'soft say this cause I cannot....no network drivers can be downloaded!!!!!!!!
So do I have to buy another OS system because this graphic card is the confliction????