I already tried that several times, which means that this copy of Vista x64 lost the driver for this drive. As mentioned before, I tried a Repair Install, hoping that it would find the missing driver, but that didn't work either. As for the link, I tried it, but like all the other Driver "*" software sites, all it did was give me more driver site downloads but never giving me the driver I was looking for. I have subscribed to several of these sites over the years and find their usefulness limited. I have been working with computers since 1983 and fix a lot of computers for my friends. Most of the times, I have no problems, but when I do, I go to sites like this hoping that fellow members might provide a solution I had not thought of. In this case, I guess we will have to bite the bullet and do a clean install. I appreciate all your efforts to try and help me on this one, but on this particular Vista install, this is not the only software/hardware problem this computer has been having. I was just hoping I could get away with a quick fix. Thanks guys.