Had to reinstall Windows Vista OS and of course lost everything. Reloaded the Drivers and utilities CD. Now cannot connect to my home network. “This computer does not have a network adapter installed and configured”. Went to device manager and under the “other devices” tab, everything under it has the yellow exclamation marks. Also the display is not right. Under the “display adapters” tab the “Standard VGA Graphics Adapter” also has the yellow exclamation mark. I have disabled and enabled all of them to no avail. Also checked the services and they seem to be started. Not sure exactly which ones should be started but all the ones about networking are running. Home network is working because I have other devices running from it just fine. I’m a little overwhelmed at this point. Also trying to sift through the archives at the same time. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hello, I would work on installing updates needed to get your OS up to date first , then I would work on latest drivers from Computer manufacture site with a combo of motherboard driver updates and graphics as well as audio drivers.
Thanks for getting back to me. I went to the MS site and got drivers on a thumb drive but for some reason they wont load. I'm ready to use this thing for target practice lol.
I would get latest for model of Dell you have and then once you have them downloaded, place them on the Desktop and then unzip them , if needed , and start installing them .
Got er done! I loaded the drivers and utilities cd once again. Opened the zip file and went one by one down the list of drivers and ended up with over 100 updates. That got everything going again. Now doing the Windows update and that should do it. Thanks for all your help. You guys rock.