I am using Win Vista, 32bit
I have a upgrade disc to vista 32bit
Can I possibly use that to re-install my OS
I have a virus
I want Win 7 too, so can i upgrade to that by paying less? If not i will stick with vista.
Thx a lot guys.
If you still have the activation code for the currently installed version Vista then yes you can use the upgrade disk to reinstall Vista, as long as it's not a different version (only a Home Premium activation code can activate a Home Premium disk etc)
Both the upgrade and the full install disks are identical, the only difference is the serial code which is provided when you buy them (upgrade disks can only upgrade from XP, whereas a normal full code can be installed on any machine, regardless of whether it has Windows on it already).
Once you have Vista reinstalled you can then upgrade to Seven if you wish using a Windows Seven upgrade disk.
If you have anymore questions please ask.
Oh and if you don't want to do a clean install to remove your virus why not start a thread asking how to remove it, but that's up to you.