After uninstalling Windows 7 for having simillar problem as this one I decided to install Vista. After installing all the necessary drivers I installed ATI "hotfix" drivers for my AGP card. I rebooted and when I went to Device Manager to see if they're installed, everything was fine. That confused me cause the performance was bad and choppy. I went to dxdiag.exe and Vista says I have no graphic card at all. Also, when I try running CCC I get an error like "there is no device compatible for this driver..." something like that. Well, any help would be apriciated cause I can't run any applications that require gpu at the moment. Also, I can't play any games and I was looking forward for DX10.
This is a screenshot:
CCC Error:
btw, don't tell me "You need to install agp hotfix... blah blah..." cause I know about it and I did. I don't know why they aren't working.