I wonder is there any unnessecery drivers I can delete?
Like pre-installed Printer drivers ect ?
I have already deleted the Windows Update Temp folder (Not folder it self but the folders inside, saved me 330MB)
I also know there is a lot of priter drivers but I forgot the folder name
I don't use printer/Fax on this laptop. have only Microsoft .NET Framwork 3.0 Enabled at 'Programs and Features' :huh::D
Windows Media Center is uninstalled!
MSOCache is empty
I have used SP2 CleanUp tool... (compcln.exe)
I also know the TEMP folder but Auslogics BoostSpeed does the job for me
System Restore is disabled
Any other things ?
I have a SSD disk so I need every GB of it :D
yeah if your that bothered about gettihng some space back download the trial of tune up utilities
run it and select Free up disk space on the left
let it run then click where it says uneccesary files and backups , too see what you can delete , you have already deleted the SP2 backup but there will be other updates still stored you can delete , its also an easy way to delete all but the last restore point
I got 10GB back using tune up , its not really a good idea to delete restore points your better off limiting the ammount of hard drive space system restore uses , and of course after deleting the service pack 2 backup yuo have no way of going back if you have any issues , not that any of this bothered me