before i signed up i was on a page that was discussing my problem of finding a driver to make my western digtial my book 500 work on my new putter , it is a 64 bit Hp touchsmart. I have already called HP and they told me to contact Western Digital. This truely burns me to think I have a 64 bit putter and hardly any of my software , external drives, usb stitks , work ... Also just the putter itself with the programs that came on it hardly work .. why would someone make a putter like this.? I guess if you did nothing all day except surf the net it might be ok, but for me being a Master Stitcher, Master Designer,Master Graphic working a business with large files I really thought buying a new putter would be the answer. So I know all of yall out on this list are going to 100 x more smarter than me on helping me get this to work. I truely appreciate all your answers that will come my way. Thanks for being so patience with me. another forum today was ugly and unthinkable. What is a tag? Thanks, mkpgranny:D