Hi! How can I assign a drive letter to drive that is formatted as WBFS? Windows finds the drive and says its unformatted, its ok but I need a drive letter to the drive so I can connect to the drive with cmd! :huh:
Hi! How can I assign a drive letter to drive that is formatted as WBFS? Windows finds the drive and says its unformatted, its ok but I need a drive letter to the drive so I can connect to the drive with cmd! :huh:
The drive is allready formatted to wbfs, so Vista cant find it and give it a letter. I can find it in discmanager or what its called, but there I have only one option to formate it!
The drive is allready formatted to wbfs, so Vista cant find it and give it a letter. I can find it in discmanager or what its called, but there I have only one option to formate it!
This is what I was talking about in my last post, Unless you can use the WBFS manager to assign a drive letter, you need to format the drive to NTFS or FAT32 (Primary Partition) with windows giving it a letter and then use the WBFS manager to format it back to WBFS
If the drive already has programs on it and you cannot assign it a letter then it would appear that you have to start again. Others have had this problem because they did not start with a primary partition and the drive letters were not being recognised.