New Member
i don't find this on the i'net after a month on google so i'll post here. it seems the alps drivers do not fully support v.x64. doesn't have the disable button anywhere. today vaio help (tier 3, supposedly) finally told me the above which i told there tier 2 a week ago, i guess he didn't read the notes. said i would have to live with it. they wouldn't help w/ registry hack. probably means they didn't know it. bad, bad, bad sony. anyway, to the chase. i saw where linux people could use synaptics drivers. tried the same trick w/ v.x64. there was the button under start>control panel>mousec>device settings>disable. those penguins aren't so bad. i have a severe neurological disease and that touchpad rendered a $1200.00 computer unuseable. sony's response was "live with it." to quote my favorite tech authorities, the three stooges, "chowderheads." let me reiterate "bad sony, bad sony." Drivers | Synaptics v.10.1.8 worked for me on win vista home premium x4, sp1/vaio vgn-fw170j.