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After googling a lot i finally found a driver for Generic USB Joysticks like Playstation controllers and some USB joystick adapters that uses Playstation 1/Playstation 2 controllers.
This driver is fully funcional with Windows 98_ME_XP32_XP64_2000_2003_Vista32_Vista64. It enables forcefeedback with compatibles controllers and ables you to control your mouse/keyboard with your Joystick.
I tested it on Windows XP32 and Vista64, and works fine!
All games that i have that supports force feedBack worked...including Need For Speed Undercover, GRID...
I hope i could help!! :D
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This driver is fully funcional with Windows 98_ME_XP32_XP64_2000_2003_Vista32_Vista64. It enables forcefeedback with compatibles controllers and ables you to control your mouse/keyboard with your Joystick.
I tested it on Windows XP32 and Vista64, and works fine!
All games that i have that supports force feedBack worked...including Need For Speed Undercover, GRID...
I hope i could help!! :D
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