I am a new user of Vista - (computer 64 bit/Ram 4 gigs Vista Home Premium) and my registry has become corrupt twice in two weeks! Absolutely no idea the first time, so the computer vendor had to reinstall fron scratch and nearly didn't cover me on warranty as I was blamed for the corruption. This has just happened again and didn't have a recovery disc. However, this time, I believe there is a conflict between CS3 Acrobat Professional/Vista Driver as that was when it happened. Computer was not responding - control/alt/delete doesn't work with vista to end a task so I switched the machine off!
It won't reboot and of course and refers to corrupt registry again - system 32
When I originally installed The Adobe CS3 suite - a mesage came up looking for the acrobat dll file which I couldn't locate on the vista disc but it did completely install and opened fine.
Does anybody know why such a bad conflict? Never experienced such an issue with windows 2000 & XP which I use at the office!