Hello: I sure hope someone out there in the Vista Forum has tried or done this with success. I just got my first laptop running Vista Home Premium 64 bit system. I have installed Norton Ghost 14.0 on it and the installation went great and can create backups. BUT! To restore a backup I have to create a Recovery Disk. I have created many on my desktops running 32bit systems. When I try to make one on the Notebook it says can not create RD because can not use 32bit drivers on a 64bit system and goes on to say I can manually add them and a box pops up with a ADD button and a BROWSE. While I have no idea were to look for them. I chatted with Symantec Support and they told me to run a Validation Driver Test and it will show me what missing drivers I need to make the RD work. It shows 3, 02Micro Integrated MMC/SD controller ,02Micro Interated MS/MSPRO/xD controller and WAN Miniport (SSTP) . I tried a Google search and it said Driver Guide has them so I signed up and after searching there driver base with no luck. So I have no idea were or how to fine these drivers. I am hoping maybe someone has had luck with the Norton Ghost 14.0 RD and would love to hear from you and how you make it work. Thank You. Donnor.