Epson Perfection 1200 Photo


New Member
Can anyone point me in the direction of any drivers which will work with this scanner and XP Pro 64bit and/or Vista 64bit. and yes dont laugh.. i know its old but i can never see the point of throwing something away when there is nothing wrong with it plus buying my new rig has made me broke ! grr

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Thanx Raj but i already looked on the uk version of the Epson site. I was hoping that someone could possibly come up with a workaround.. ie a driver for a modern scanner which will work with mine.. or even a generic driver.

Thanx for the link though.

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I have the same Epson scanner. "Perfect" as it had always been and still is ... I resigned myself to buy another scanner from Epson (Perfection V200 Photo) you can get in Online for less than $100. I think Vista is extremely unfriendly regarding tinkering to install old non-compatible hardware. The risks and the effort don;t seem worthwhile. If I'm wrong I would also like to be enlightened on the subject.

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Actually, I have just read the thread on the Epson Perfection V200 Photo and buying that scanner (as a replacement for the 1200) doesn't seem to be such a good idea. The described problem is an old thread from back in February but I don't know if the problem of installation was ever resolved. So ignore my advise. Sorry.
P.S. It would be nice to know of that problem was ever resolved. I almost bought the scanner last night.

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I have had a response from Epson Technical support and i am now awaiting a download link. I will report back if the driver they suggest works as a workaround.

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Yes, I would like to know. I'm also assuming (maybe incorrectly) that your Epson Perfection 1200 is the USB version (1200U?). That's what mine is and it can make a difference in the "driver solution", right?

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Yes it is USB, but it clealrly states on the name badge its a 1200 Photo, probably because you get a transparency adaptor supplied with it rather than as a extra.

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I too had run into this issue with vista having the same scanner. I have a solution for you all, it is as follows..

Goto the epson website and download the driver for Windows XP

Extract the contents of the file by running the file (double clicking, or single click depending on your preferences)

Follow the instructions in the extraction wizard and take note of the directory that the files will be extracted to. (probably C:\epson)

Navigate to the directory after the wizard completes, right click on the "Setup.exe" file and select the properties menu item.

Now select the "Compatibility" tab and check the box next to the description "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" Select in the drop down "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)"

Press OK, or Apply then OK.

Run the Setup.exe file and install the driver as normal. Windows Vista will pop up a message about compatibility.. just select the Install anyway option and everything should work fine.

Hope this helps...

My Computer

Thanks for that suggestion.

We had the same problem. The old 1200U is a great scanner, and there's no reason to give it up. But there are no Vista drivers for it from Epson.

So I tried doing exactly as you recommended, and now our 1200U works just fine on this new Vista machine.

Thanks again.

Jim H

My Computer

I too had run into this issue with vista having the same scanner. I have a solution for you all, it is as follows..

Goto the epson website and download the driver for Windows XP

Extract the contents of the file by running the file (double clicking, or single click depending on your preferences)

Follow the instructions in the extraction wizard and take note of the directory that the files will be extracted to. (probably C:\epson)

Navigate to the directory after the wizard completes, right click on the "Setup.exe" file and select the properties menu item.

Now select the "Compatibility" tab and check the box next to the description "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" Select in the drop down "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)"

Press OK, or Apply then OK.

Run the Setup.exe file and install the driver as normal. Windows Vista will pop up a message about compatibility.. just select the Install anyway option and everything should work fine.

Hope this helps...

Jason - I've tried this and can't get it to work. I downloaded the 'epson10245' file, unzipped it, then changed the Setup.exe to run in XP Service Pack 2 compatibility.

Now Vista's Device Manager says the Perfection 1200U is working properly but the green button on the scanner does nothing - and if I try to acquire the scanner from another programme I get this message: "TWAIN ERROR - CAN'T CONNECT TO DEVICE OR TWAIN DRIVER IS NOT INSTALLED."

Can you suggest anything?

(I had it working on another Vista machine which had USB1.0 ports. This machine has USB2.0 ports - could that be the reason?)

My Computer

Update to above post.


Yippee, I've got the Perfection 1200U working on Vista Ultimate and the green event button works (you can choose which programme it launches using Device Manager/Scanners & Cameras/Properties).

The drivers needed are called: EPSON TWAIN DRIVER - epson12242 which is a 7Mb zipped file.

(NB. The driver called epson10245 does not work on Vista - at least not on this PC).

My Computer

How to make older Epson scanners work with Vista x64:

The techniques described so far work with 32-bit Vista, but not with Vista x64. Fortunately, someone figured out how to make it work with Vista x64 and posted the method and the driver for the Perfection 1200U over on The technique can be adapted to other USB scanners as well.

Here's the link: PlanetAMD64 > Epson perfection 1240u driver

and here's a link to the driver file:

I wound up installing the latest Epson Twain driver for Vista x64 from the Epson site (epson12699.exe, I think it was for the Perfection 1670). To make it work with the Perfection 1200, I went into Device Manager, then "Update Driver Software" by right-clicking on the scanner and browsing to the ".inf" file I got when I unzipped the driver from the PlanetAMD64.

Following is the message that explains how he did it, I'm posting a copy here because it's valuable, hard-to-find information that I haven't seen anywhere else, and as more people use Vista x64 it could help them out. I wasn't able to upload the Perfection 1200 driver file (I think it's above the size limit for this board), so if you need it follow the above link or the link to PlanetAMD64 and download it from there (you'll have to register first).

I hope this helps.


Smoove Love
Jan 25 2007, 03:10 PM
Hi. I've successfully hacked the x64 Perfection 2400 installer to produce a fully functional Perfection 1200 driver that installs under the correct name and the correct place in the registry, and supports the scanner's Start Button. I thought I'd share my method here in case it works for your scanner too.

On the Epson EU website there's a list of scanners for which Epson is providing x64 drivers. Choose one that sounds similar to your scanner, and download the x64 driver for that scanner from the Epson website.

Unzip the download. Some of the driver files are grouped by Locale ID under the LIB folder. Check out the .inf and .sif files for your locale. The number in the filename is the Epson Scanner (ES) number, and you can find out which scanner an ES number represents by looking in the [Strings] section of a .inf file. Choose the ES number that represents the most similar scanner to yours. The files with this number are the ones that you're going to modify.

The most important thing to do is change the USB Product ID (PID) in the info files to the PID of your scanner. (You can find your scanner's PID by looking in the .inf file from its 32-bit Windows XP driver.) The PID must be replaced throughout each .inf and .sif file bearing the appropriate ES number. For example, I replaced the Perfection 2400's PID of 011B with the Perfection 1200's PID of 0104 in every .inf and .sif file bearing the Perfection 2400's ES number (which is 27).

You should now have an installer that works for your scanner but recognises it as a different scanner. If you want your scanner to show up under the correct name, then you've got more work to do.

One of the cabinet (.cab) files in the root folder is specific to your scanner. You should be able to tell which one from its name. You need to search for and replace the name of the scanner, not only in the .inf and .sif files, but also in the .hrd, .idx and .icm files inside your scanner's cabinet file.

Changing these files is tricky. First of all, you need to extract them from the cabinet file. Unlike the .inf and .sif files, these files are binaries, so care must be taken in editing them. (I'd be wary of changing the length of the scanner's name.) Some of the embedded text strings use single-byte character encoding, but some use double-byte character encoding, which makes it difficult to spot every instance of the name you're looking to replace.

After you've edited the files, you must put them back into a cabinet file of the same name. I did this using the MakeCAB tool from Microsoft's Cabinet SDK. In order to do this I had to create a directive (.ddf) file for MakeCAB as described in the MakeCAB User's Guide:
.Set InfFileName=Per1200.inf;delete this file
.Set RptFileName=Per1200.rpt;delete this file
.Set DiskDirectoryTemplate=.
; Cabinet contents, in order:

If you did all that correctly, you should now have an x64 driver that installs your scanner under the correct name. I actually went further than that, but it isn't necessary to do so:

I changed the ES number from 27 (Perfection 2400) to 07 (Perfection 1200) in the names of the .inf, .sif, .hrd and .idx files, and throughout the .inf, .sif, .idx, .icm and Setup.ini files. This ensures that the scanner is installed in the proper location in the registry.

I changed the names of the .icm, .ds and .cab files to reflect the name of my scanner, e.g. from Per2400.ds to Per1200.ds. Corresponding changes must be made inside the .hrd, .inf and .sif files.

I deleted the .inf, .sif and .cab files for other models of scanner, and removed their ES numbers from the [Support] section of Setup.ini.

I edited the .inf files to match the capabilities of my scanner. (For example, I removed references to buttons that my scanner doesn't possess, and changed the resolution from 2400 to 1200.)

I have attached my Perfection 1200 driver: Click to view attachment

I wouldn't have been able to do this if not for the fact that Epson's code is actually quite well written.
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My Computer

Thanks for the following info. I used the file: - File Shared from - Free Online File Storage link to get the 1200u driver for my Vista 64bit. After downloading and following the instructions, my Perfection 1200u is working with my new Adobe Elements 7 software. I am a very happy camper as I thought I was going to have to throw away a good scanner.


How to make older Epson scanners work with Vista x64:

The techniques described so far work with 32-bit Vista, but not with Vista x64. Fortunately, someone figured out how to make it work with Vista x64 and posted the method and the driver for the Perfection 1200U over on The technique can be adapted to other USB scanners as well.

Here's the link: PlanetAMD64 > Epson perfection 1240u driver

and here's a link to the driver file: - File Shared from - Free Online File Storage

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Jasonkf1, thanks to your tips I solved my problem with operating Epson Perfection 1200U under Vista Home Premium 32bit in a bunch of seconds, after having tried several other unsuccessful solutions.

Now it definitely works well.

Thank you.

My Computer

I too had run into this issue with vista having the same scanner. I have a solution for you all, it is as follows..

Goto the epson website and download the driver for Windows XP

Extract the contents of the file by running the file (double clicking, or single click depending on your preferences)

Follow the instructions in the extraction wizard and take note of the directory that the files will be extracted to. (probably C:\epson)

Navigate to the directory after the wizard completes, right click on the "Setup.exe" file and select the properties menu item.

Now select the "Compatibility" tab and check the box next to the description "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" Select in the drop down "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)"

Press OK, or Apply then OK.

Run the Setup.exe file and install the driver as normal. Windows Vista will pop up a message about compatibility.. just select the Install anyway option and everything should work fine.

Hope this helps...

Maybe Vista has wised up- it did not work for me today. tried a few times. control panel cannot find the scanner.

My Computer

I have an Epson Perfection 1200 Photo that I could not get to work on Windows 7 64-bit by setting the compatibility of the setup.exe file. Nor did I want to go to the trouble of hacking the internals of installer files because that's too error prone.

What I have found works is to download epson12180.exe and install the Perfection 2400. Then go to the device manager and update the driver for the Perfection 1200 by selecting the 2400 from "let me pick from a list of drivers on my computer". I dare there are other similar epson drivers that will also work.

This won't be the same as the TWAIN driver. The thing I miss is the preview scan, but hey, it works and that saves $40 on the generic VueScan driver.

My Computer

Thankyou JG4 downloaded from your link and heypresto my 1200photo small prob is when you scan a photo it stretches it out longways,any ideas.perhaps i would be better saying if i scan a side view photo of my car i then become the owner of a stretched limo!!
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Hi Jasonkf1,

Many thanks indeed for your post on getting the Epson 1200 to work in WIndows Vista. I googled the problem as a last resort before ordering a new scanner and your response came up. The only (minor) problem I had was that I had to tell the Epson site that I had WIndows XP installed on my computer rather than WIndows Vista to allow the download of the driver.

Anyway, the scanner now appears to work as it always did andd for that, I'm grateful to you.

Kind Regards,

My Computer
