The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load:
I found it in vista event viewer. I am currently running vista in safe mode and dont really want to restart the pc. This is my first post on these forums and they look great. SO please help!
MY PC Specs:
2 (1x1) gb RAM
1.6Ghz CEL E1200 Dual Core CPU
Vista Ultimate
CD Driver
256MB GFX Card
Nothing else you really need to know
Further to the discussion about the null.sys it is a non plug and play legacy device that governs the AMD dual core processors and when you install the microsoft/nvidia away driver it corrupts the null system and then this causes shutdowns and other random actions like freezing as far as i'm aware there are no patches available or hotfixes as yet. The only thing i can suggest is format your hard drive and re-install windows vista/XP and once re-installed try not to install the away system driver or you will be back to square one.There have also been reports that the windows virtual memory hotfix "Windows6.0 - KB940105 - x86" causes these issues but i have yet to see any evidence that it does as i have narrowed this down by process of elimination over the last few weeks as i haven't been able to play any games or play any dvds in full screen mode since this driver got corrupted.