Can't find a driver for my Optiarc DVD RW AD -7560A ATA Device. can anyone help
Can't find a driver for my Optiarc DVD RW AD -7560A ATA Device. can anyone help
Optical drives do not require any drivers other than the one provided natively by the Vista OS. Vista will provide native support that allows this drive to read a data or music disk and to burn a cd-r disk. Anything else requires 3rd. party software, ie: Nero or Easy Cd Creator, WinDVD or PowerDVD
in my device manager it has a yellow triangle w error. it's not on my computer screen and just will not play anything. i did everything i know-uninstall, reinstall,update and disable and re-able. i even took it out and restart my computer. i went to all locations on google and manufacture
That won't apply here, schweppes....
in my device manager it has a yellow triangle w error. it's not on my computer screen and just will not play anything. i did everything i know-uninstall, reinstall,update and disable and re-able. i even took it out and restart my computer. i went to all locations on google and manufacture
follow these steps and this will correct the problem
1) click start and type regedit in the search box and press enter and click continue when prompted.
2) expand hkey local machine
3) expand system
4) expand currentcontrolset
5) expand control
6) expand class
7) scroll down till you find this key entry {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} then click on it but dont expand it!!
8) to the right you will see information list by name,type and data. if there are any upper or lower filters highlight each one and press delete key and remove them, you can also right click to delete. once this is done restart your pc and your drive will be back in my computer.
...uninstall, reinstall,update and disable and re-able. i even took it out and restart my computer...
It is not a firmware issue, and Optiarc Optical drives have full driver support in Vista.
Sounds like the optical drive may be bad. Have you tried to replace it?
Uninstalling the device under device manager, Restarting and letting windows install the drivers for the found hardware usually works on my wife's system, but apparently you have already tried this.
Only other thing I can suggest is you may have system corruption/deletion issues. Try restoring to a time when the drive functioned, and then unistall it in device manager, and restart computer (if neccessary).
in my device manager it has a yellow triangle w error. it's not on my computer screen and just will not play anything. i did everything i know-uninstall, reinstall,update and disable and re-able. i even took it out and restart my computer. i went to all locations on google and manufacture
follow these steps and this will correct the problem
1) click start and type regedit in the search box and press enter and click continue when prompted.
2) expand hkey local machine
3) expand system
4) expand currentcontrolset
5) expand control
6) expand class
7) scroll down till you find this key entry {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} then click on it but dont expand it!!
8) to the right you will see information list by name,type and data. if there are any upper or lower filters highlight each one and press delete key and remove them, you can also right click to delete. once this is done restart your pc and your drive will be back in my computer.
in my device manager it has a yellow triangle w error. it's not on my computer screen and just will not play anything. i did everything i know-uninstall, reinstall,update and disable and re-able. i even took it out and restart my computer. i went to all locations on google and manufacture
follow these steps and this will correct the problem
1) click start and type regedit in the search box and press enter and click continue when prompted.
2) expand hkey local machine
3) expand system
4) expand currentcontrolset
5) expand control
6) expand class
7) scroll down till you find this key entry {4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} then click on it but dont expand it!!
8) to the right you will see information list by name,type and data. if there are any upper or lower filters highlight each one and press delete key and remove them, you can also right click to delete. once this is done restart your pc and your drive will be back in my computer.