2 days ago fired up my new gateway,2.6 dual core w/ quad,500 gig hdd and 3 gig ram.
here is my problem:
everything works fine until i loaded photoshop elements 6. it was at that time the optica cd\dvd stopped working. i then looked at explore and the drive did not appear. at that point i went to device manger and found the drive listed however it showed a conflict(! in yellow). error code 32,windows unable to initialize the driver for this device. i then ran a driver update to no avail. restored my system to just prior to photoshop install and cd rom works fine,reinstalled photoshop,again same problem with same error message
2 days ago fired up my new gateway,2.6 dual core w/ quad,500 gig hdd and 3 gig ram.
here is my problem:
everything works fine until i loaded photoshop elements 6. it was at that time the optica cd\dvd stopped working. i then looked at explore and the drive did not appear. at that point i went to device manger and found the drive listed however it showed a conflict(! in yellow). error code 32,windows unable to initialize the driver for this device. i then ran a driver update to no avail. restored my system to just prior to photoshop install and cd rom works fine,reinstalled photoshop,again same problem with same error message