How do I start Windows Audio Endpoint Builder?

Sameer G

New Member
Hi there!

Due to some registry corruption the audio service (Windows Audio) has been disabled. And I can't start it because it depends on the Windows Audio Endpoint Builder, Remote Procedure Call (RPC) and Multimedia Class Scheduler (MCS). I have RPC and MCS already running, but I can't start Windows Audio Endpoint Builder. If I try to start it this is the error message I get.

Windows could not start the Windows Audio Endpoint Builder service on Local Computer.

Error 0x80070003: The system cannot find the path specified.

I am running the services.msc module to start the service.

What is the "path" it's talking about? Can I specify this path manually in registry?

Thanks in advance!

My Computer

I tried removing the dependency for Windows Audio Endpoint Builder in registry. That way I assumed that I will be able to start Windows Audio service without it. I changed following values.

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AudioSrv
Value: DependOnService

Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AudioEndpointBuilder
Value: DependOnService

I rebooted but it was to no avail. Now I get the message No Audio Output Device is installed in task bar.

I also checked C:\Windows\System32\ and I have the audiosrv.dll file in place.

I tried re-installing the audio driver and software as suggested on some Microsoft websites but that was to no avail either. I still have the same message in task bar when I hover over the speaker icon.

The next step will be to take a file/folder backup and re-install Windows. Unless someone comes along with a suggestion that will solve the issue.

By the way, Windows RE (recover environment) didn't help because there is no issue with starting up Windows. It's mainly used for repairing start-up issues.

My Computer

recentelly i had the same issue and this file didnt help me ..any other suggestions?

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