I can only start in safe mode. I'm running Vista 2nd update. If I try starting in normal mode I get a BSoD with the stop message: 0x0000008E (0xC000005, 0x81E46BDC, 0x8B71691C, 0x00000000). Not only do I not know what the letters mean I don't know how to go about fixing them.
The zipped file should be attached but I couldn't get perfmon/report to run.
I appreciate any help.
Since I can only run in Safe mode, every setting that is changed returns to the default when system is restarted. Getting Windows to start normally is now impossible. The BSoD happens on the user login page. This started about 2 weeks ago, along with memory dumps every time. I've tried changing the dump file settings and taking ownership of same.When I restart the comp. all the settings return to default settings. Which means I have no dump files again.
I really hope you can help anyway. I would love to be able to give you dump file information, but I don't have any.
Thank you for trying to help me keep what little sanity I have left!!