BSOD on wife's comp


My wife's comp has problems! It random reboots at any time! Sometimes several times in a row! Have been working with Symantec/Norton on a issue with subscription expiring on this system for no reason! I have reinstalled a fresh copy of Vista32 and it continues to bluescreen!
System is
AMD 5000be
2gb Patriot ram
Nvidia 7900gt graphics
2 seagate hd 400gb, 500gb
Creative Labs Audigy2
Full Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit
Origional software for system

Included in the files is the System report.
Thank you for your help!


My Computer

There are no memory dump files in the uploaded reports, yet MSINFO32 shows 10 BSOD's. Please do the following:
Upload Dump Files:
Please go to C:\Windows\Minidump and zip up the contents of the folder. Then upload/attach the .zip file with your next post.
Left click on the first minidump file.
Hold down the "Shift" key and left click on the last minidump file.
Right click on the blue highlighted area and select "Send to"
Select "Compressed (zipped) folder" and note where the folder is saved.
Upload that .zip file with your next post.

If you have issues with "Access Denied" errors, try copying the files to your desktop and zipping them up from there. If it still won't let you zip them up, post back for further advice.

If you don't have anything in that folder, please check in C:\Windows for a file named MEMORY.DMP. If you find it, zip it up and upload it to a free file hosting service . I recommend Windows Live SkyDrive - or another free, file-hosting service. Then post the link to it in your topic so that we can download it.

Then, follow the directions here to set your system for Minidumps (much smaller than the MEMORY.DMP file): Set MiniDump
Of the 10 memory dumps, one points to AVGIDSFilter - a component of your AVG Security program.
You should only have one antivirus (and one firewall) running at a time - and the reports indicate that you're also using Microsoft Security Essentials and Norton Antivirus.

Please uninstall the AVG using this free tool: AVG - Download tools and utilities
Please uninstall the Norton using this free tool: Download and run the Norton Removal Tool to uninstall your Norton product | Norton Support
If you want to reinstall the Norton product (after we finish troubleshooting, please remember to uninstall Miicrosoft Security Essentials first.

While waiting for a reply to your next post, please try these free, bootable diagnostic tools (to include the bootable anti-virus because I wonder about a TDSS rootkit infection):
I suggest starting all troubleshooting with the following diagnostic tests. They'll save you a lot of time and heartache if there is a hardware failure, and you'll have the disks on hand in case you need them in the future:
H/W Diagnostics:
Please start by running these bootable hardware diagnostics:
Memory Diagnostics (read the details at the link)
HD Diagnostic (read the details at the link) - Test ALL of the hard drives.

Also, please run one of these free, independent online malware scans to ensure that your current protection hasn't been compromised: Free Online AntiMalware Resources (read the details at the link)
There are also free, bootable antivirus disks at this link: Free Online AntiMalware Resources - Bootable Disks

My Computer
