Hi i was just edditing my imageres.dll file and i had to change the security on the file inorder for me to deleat it and add in the new changed version.
that is when it all went wrong i think i know it has something to do with the security of things but i only changed it for one file ? i think
please help!
I have typed in the commands on CMD (not elevated as it came up with the error) and they both came up with 'Access Denied'
these are the commands: CACLS %systemroot%\System32\*.dll /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R CACLS %systemroot%\System32\*.ocx /E /G BUILTIN\Users:R
Any ideas of what to do now that we know i have somehow limited my access?
also can i turn my computer off?
i dont want to turn it off and then find out that i cant turn it back on :Z
i have heard that when people get this error sometimes they cant access any of the restore options on boot
and i am thinking that it might not boot up properly because i have not got a (imageres.dll) fill in the System32 folder. the reason its not in there is because i could not put i back in i just changed the security to full controll then i deleated it and tried to paste the new eddited version in but the screen just blinkered and nothing happend
I dont understand why you were changing that dll. Most computer problems occur because of changes that were not needed. Lets try to put it back. If you cant boot, try in safe mode and do a system restore. One week before you made any changes. http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/76905-system-restore-how.html
i know but i was just trying to change the sytem boot up sound :Z
and i cant do system restor in normal mode so does that mean i wont beable to do it in safe mode?