Bsod! Drivers!

it's been crashing whenever i leave my computer on overnight, im pretty sure its because of outdated drivers, but im not too sure which ones i need to update.

let me know, thanks in advance.

- 32bit
- Original OS

- What is the age of system (hardware)? almost 2 years
- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) 1 year (had to reinstall windows to fix crashes)

it wouldnt let me upload the zip directly so i had to upload it on mediafire. no waiting times though =D

which drivers? D:

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Hp Pavilion a1730n
    4600+ AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor
    Graphics card(s)
    Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE
STOP 0x00000050: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA Usual causes: Defective hardware (particularly memory - but not just RAM), Faulty system service, Antivirus, Device driver, NTFS corruption, BIOS

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.11.0001.404 AMD64
[B]Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.[/B]
[B]Loading Dump File [C:\Users\richc46\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp13_Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2[1].zip\Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2\Mini011311-02.dmp][/B]
[B]Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available[/B]
[B]Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\symbols*[/B]
[B]Executable search path is: [/B]
[B]Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista Kernel Version 6002 (Service Pack 2) MP (2 procs) Free x86 compatible[/B]
[B]Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal[/B]
[B]Built by: 6002.18209.x86fre.vistasp2_gdr.100218-0019[/B]
[B]Machine Name:[/B]
[B]Kernel base = 0x81c47000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x81d5ec70[/B]
[B]Debug session time: Sat Jul 10 00:32:33.373 2010 (GMT-5)[/B]
[B]System Uptime: 0 days 16:02:20.074[/B]
[B]Loading Kernel Symbols[/B]
[B]Loading User Symbols[/B]
[B]Loading unloaded module list[/B]
[B]*                                                                             *[/B]
[B]*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *[/B]
[B]*                                                                             *[/B]
[B]Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.[/B]
[B]BugCheck 50, {bdbffffc, 0, 81c8d0b8, 0}[/B]
[B]Probably caused by : ntkrpamp.exe ( nt!KiTrap0E+dc )[/B]
[B]Followup: MachineOwner[/B]
[B]0: kd> !analyze -v[/B]
[B]*                                                                             *[/B]
[B]*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *[/B]
[B]*                                                                             *[/B]
[B]Invalid system memory was referenced.  This cannot be protected by try-except,[/B]
[B]it must be protected by a Probe.  Typically the address is just plain bad or it[/B]
[B]is pointing at freed memory.[/B]
[B]Arg1: bdbffffc, memory referenced.[/B]
[B]Arg2: 00000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation.[/B]
[B]Arg3: 81c8d0b8, If non-zero, the instruction address which referenced the bad memory[/B]
[B]Arg4: 00000000, (reserved)[/B]
[B]Debugging Details:[/B]
[B]READ_ADDRESS: GetPointerFromAddress: unable to read from 81d7e868[/B]
[B]Unable to read MiSystemVaType memory at 81d5e420[/B]
[B]bdbffffc [/B]
[B]81c8d0b8 f3a5            rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi][/B]
[B]BUGCHECK_STR:  0x50[/B]
[B]PROCESS_NAME:  System[/B]
[B]TRAP_FRAME:  8874f678 -- (.trap 0xffffffff8874f678)[/B]
[B]ErrCode = 00000000[/B]
[B]eax=bdca3ef8 ebx=81c8cf00 ecx=00029d16 edx=00000000 esi=bdbffffc edi=bdc00014[/B]
[B]eip=81c8d0b8 esp=8874f6ec ebp=8874f6f4 iopl=0         nv dn ei pl nz ac pe nc[/B]
[B]cs=0008  ss=0010  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0030  gs=0000             efl=00010616[/B]
[B]81c8d0b8 f3a5            rep movs dword ptr es:[edi],dword ptr [esi][/B]
[B]Resetting default scope[/B]
[B]LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from 81c94dd4 to 81cdf38d[/B]
[B]8874f660 81c94dd4 00000000 bdbffffc 00000000 nt!MmAccessFault+0x10a[/B]
[B]8874f660 81c8d0b8 00000000 bdbffffc 00000000 nt!KiTrap0E+0xdc[/B]
[B]8874f6f4 87c80001 bdb58bc0 bdb58ba8 0014b350 nt!memmove+0x1b8[/B]
[B]8874f71c 87c7fded 000001a3 0231b947 00000000 Ntfs!NtfsInsertCachedRun+0x7b[/B]
[B]8874f788 87ca2142 8461c498 0231b947 00000000 Ntfs!NtfsInsertCachedLcn+0x207[/B]
[B]8874f7a8 87c6fb16 848d95a8 8461c498 0231b947 Ntfs!NtfsAddCachedRun+0x59[/B]
[B]8874f7d0 87c4e7d7 848d95a8 8461c498 02318000 Ntfs!NtfsAddCachedRunMult+0x33[/B]
[B]8874fa70 87c4e456 848d95a8 8461c498 00000000 Ntfs!NtfsScanEntireBitmap+0x328[/B]
[B]8874fab4 87c4d020 848d95a8 8461c498 0fb0f64e Ntfs!NtfsInitializeClusterAllocation+0x4d[/B]
[B]8874fca0 87ca287f 848d95a8 847fe3b8 8874fcc0 Ntfs!NtfsMountVolume+0x1779[/B]
[B]8874fcc4 87c0a8ce 848d95a8 847fe3b8 0fb0f7aa Ntfs!NtfsCommonFileSystemControl+0x80[/B]
[B]8874fd44 81cece22 00000000 00000000 840124f8 Ntfs!NtfsFspDispatch+0x264[/B]
[B]8874fd7c 81e1cc42 848d95a8 82cb4dab 00000000 nt!ExpWorkerThread+0xfd[/B]
[B]8874fdc0 81c85f4e 81cecd25 00000000 00000000 nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x9d[/B]
[B]00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 nt!KiThreadStartup+0x16[/B]
[B]81c94dd4 85c0            test    eax,eax[/B]
[B]SYMBOL_NAME:  nt!KiTrap0E+dc[/B]
[B]FOLLOWUP_NAME:  MachineOwner[/B]
[B]IMAGE_NAME:  ntkrpamp.exe[/B]
[B]FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:  0x50_nt!KiTrap0E+dc[/B]
[B]BUCKET_ID:  0x50_nt!KiTrap0E+dc[/B]
[B]Followup: MachineOwner[/B]
[B]0: kd> lmtsmn[/B]
[B]start    end        module name[/B]
[B]8c7f1000 8c7fe080   1394BUS  1394BUS.SYS  Sat Jan 19 00:53:27 2008 (47919057)[/B]
[B]8072f000 80775000   acpi     acpi.sys     Sat Apr 11 00:19:03 2009 (49E01A37)[/B]
[B]8d40f000 8d457000   afd      afd.sys      Sat Apr 11 00:47:01 2009 (49E020C5)[/B]
[B]82b1e000 82b2e000   amdk8    amdk8.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:27:20 2008 (47918A38)[/B]
[B]9b883000 9b88c000   asyncmac asyncmac.sys Sat Jan 19 00:56:29 2008 (4791910D)[/B]
[B]82276000 8227e000   atapi    atapi.sys    Sat Apr 11 00:39:09 2009 (49E01EED)[/B]
[B]8227e000 8229c000   ataport  ataport.SYS  Sat Apr 11 00:39:10 2009 (49E01EEE)[/B]
[B]95650000 9569c000   ATMFD    ATMFD.DLL    unavailable (00000000)[/B]
[B]8d37d000 8d384000   Beep     Beep.SYS     Sat Jan 19 00:49:10 2008 (47918F56)[/B]
[B]80425000 8042d000   BOOTVID  BOOTVID.dll  Sat Jan 19 02:27:15 2008 (4791A653)[/B]
[B]9ad46000 9ad5f000   bowser   bowser.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:28:26 2008 (47918A7A)[/B]
[B]95640000 9564e000   cdd      cdd.dll      unavailable (00000000)[/B]
[B]9b9e6000 9b9fc000   cdfs     cdfs.sys     Sat Jan 19 00:28:02 2008 (47918A62)[/B]
[B]82b6c000 82b84000   cdrom    cdrom.sys    Sat Apr 11 00:39:17 2009 (49E01EF5)[/B]
[B]8046e000 8054e000   CI       CI.dll       Sat Apr 11 02:25:22 2009 (49E037D2)[/B]
[B]87d9a000 87dbb000   CLASSPNP CLASSPNP.SYS Sat Apr 11 00:39:05 2009 (49E01EE9)[/B]
[B]8042d000 8046e000   CLFS     CLFS.SYS     Sat Apr 11 00:13:51 2009 (49E018FF)[/B]
[B]8e3f3000 8e400000   crashdmp crashdmp.sys Sat Apr 11 00:39:12 2009 (49E01EF0)[/B]
[B]87dbb000 87dc4000   crcdisk  crcdisk.sys  Thu Nov 02 04:52:27 2006 (4549B1CB)[/B]
[B]8d530000 8d547000   dfsc     dfsc.sys     Sat Apr 11 00:14:12 2009 (49E01914)[/B]
[B]87d89000 87d9a000   disk     disk.sys     Sat Apr 11 00:39:14 2009 (49E01EF2)[/B]
[B]8d582000 8d5a7000   Dot4     Dot4.sys     Sat Jan 19 00:49:12 2008 (47918F58)[/B]
[B]8d5a7000 8d5b0000   Dot4Prt  Dot4Prt.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:49:09 2008 (47918F55)[/B]
[B]8d575000 8d582000   dot4usb  dot4usb.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:49:09 2008 (47918F55)[/B]
[B]8d325000 8d34a000   drmk     drmk.sys     Sat Jan 19 01:53:02 2008 (47919E4E)[/B]
[B]8d5d7000 8d5e1000   dump_diskdump dump_diskdump.sys Sat Apr 11 00:39:11 2009 (49E01EEF)[/B]
[B]8d5e1000 8d5fe000   dump_nvstor32 dump_nvstor32.sys Fri Oct 26 14:50:16 2007 (472236E8)[/B]
[B]8d400000 8d40a000   Dxapi    Dxapi.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:36:12 2008 (47918C4C)[/B]
[B]8c727000 8c7c6000   dxgkrnl  dxgkrnl.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:23:43 2009 (49E01B4F)[/B]
[B]87d62000 87d89000   ecache   ecache.sys   Sat Apr 11 00:40:12 2009 (49E01F2C)[/B]
[B]82339000 82349000   fileinfo fileinfo.sys Sat Jan 19 00:34:27 2008 (47918BE3)[/B]
[B]82307000 82339000   fltmgr   fltmgr.sys   Sat Apr 11 00:13:59 2009 (49E01907)[/B]
[B]8d36d000 8d376000   Fs_Rec   Fs_Rec.SYS   unavailable (00000000)[/B]
[B]82aef000 82b0a000   fwpkclnt fwpkclnt.sys Sat Apr 11 00:45:42 2009 (49E02076)[/B]
[B]8c7eb000 8c7f0280   GEARAspiWDM GEARAspiWDM.sys Mon May 18 08:16:53 2009 (4A1151B5)[/B]
[B]81c14000 81c47000   hal      halmacpi.dll Sat Apr 11 00:13:13 2009 (49E018D9)[/B]
[B]8cc08000 8cc95000   HDAudBus HDAudBus.sys Sat Apr 11 00:42:41 2009 (49E01FC1)[/B]
[B]8d4a8000 8d4b8000   HIDCLASS HIDCLASS.SYS Sat Apr 11 00:42:47 2009 (49E01FC7)[/B]
[B]8d4b8000 8d4be380   HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS Sat Jan 19 00:53:16 2008 (4791904C)[/B]
[B]8d49f000 8d4a8000   hidusb   hidusb.sys   Sat Apr 11 00:42:48 2009 (49E01FC8)[/B]
[B]8cb0e000 8cbc3000   HSX_CNXT HSX_CNXT.sys Thu May 08 16:04:13 2008 (48235CBD)[/B]
[B]8ca0c000 8cb0e000   HSX_DP   HSX_DP.sys   Thu May 08 16:03:14 2008 (48235C82)[/B]
[B]82b94000 82be0000   HSXHWBS2 HSXHWBS2.sys Thu May 08 16:05:16 2008 (48235CFC)[/B]
[B]9acbc000 9ad29000   HTTP     HTTP.sys     Sat Feb 20 15:53:31 2010 (4B804BCB)[/B]
[B]8cd95000 8cda8000   i8042prt i8042prt.sys Sat Jan 19 00:49:17 2008 (47918F5D)[/B]
[B]9b8ad000 9b8bf000   ipfltdrv ipfltdrv.sys Sat Jan 19 00:56:23 2008 (47919107)[/B]
[B]8cda8000 8cdb3000   kbdclass kbdclass.sys Sat Jan 19 00:49:14 2008 (47918F5A)[/B]
[B]8040d000 80414000   kdcom    kdcom.dll    Sat Apr 11 02:25:29 2009 (49E037D9)[/B]
[B]8297c000 829a6000   ks       ks.sys       Sat Apr 11 00:38:47 2009 (49E01ED7)[/B]
[B]82349000 823ba000   ksecdd   ksecdd.sys   Mon Jun 15 08:48:53 2009 (4A364335)[/B]
[B]87dee000 87dfe000   lltdio   lltdio.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:55:03 2008 (479190B7)[/B]
[B]87dd3000 87dee000   luafv    luafv.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:30:35 2008 (47918AFB)[/B]
[B]9b8bf000 9b8c2180   mdmxsdk  mdmxsdk.sys  Mon Jun 19 17:26:59 2006 (449716A3)[/B]
[B]8cbc3000 8cbd0000   modem    modem.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:57:16 2008 (4791913C)[/B]
[B]87dc4000 87dd3000   monitor  monitor.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:52:19 2008 (47919013)[/B]
[B]8ca00000 8ca0b000   mouclass mouclass.sys Sat Jan 19 00:49:14 2008 (47918F5A)[/B]
[B]8d4e2000 8d4ea000   mouhid   mouhid.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:49:16 2008 (47918F5C)[/B]
[B]82266000 82276000   mountmgr mountmgr.sys Sat Jan 19 00:49:13 2008 (47918F59)[/B]
[B]8d34a000 8d36d000   MpFilter MpFilter.sys Sat Mar 20 00:03:26 2010 (4BA4490E)[/B]
[B]9b88c000 9b894e00   MpNWMon  MpNWMon.sys  Sat Mar 20 00:03:24 2010 (4BA4490C)[/B]
[B]9ad5f000 9ad74000   mpsdrv   mpsdrv.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:54:45 2008 (479190A5)[/B]
[B]9ad74000 9ad95000   mrxdav   mrxdav.sys   Sat Apr 11 00:14:39 2009 (49E0192F)[/B]
[B]9ad95000 9adb4000   mrxsmb   mrxsmb.sys   Tue Feb 23 06:10:12 2010 (4B83B794)[/B]
[B]9adb4000 9aded000   mrxsmb10 mrxsmb10.sys Tue Feb 23 06:10:17 2010 (4B83B799)[/B]
[B]805d7000 805ef000   mrxsmb20 mrxsmb20.sys Tue Feb 23 06:10:12 2010 (4B83B794)[/B]
[B]8d3c1000 8d3cc000   Msfs     Msfs.SYS     unavailable (00000000)[/B]
[B]80775000 8077d000   msisadrv msisadrv.sys Sat Jan 19 00:32:51 2008 (47918B83)[/B]
[B]8cdb3000 8cde2000   msiscsi  msiscsi.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:40:07 2009 (49E01F27)[/B]
[B]82916000 82941000   msrpc    msrpc.sys    unavailable (00000000)[/B]
[B]8cbf6000 8cc00000   mssmbios mssmbios.sys Sat Jan 19 00:32:55 2008 (47918B87)[/B]
[B]87d53000 87d62000   mup      mup.sys      Sat Apr 11 00:14:12 2009 (49E01914)[/B]
[B]8280b000 82916000   ndis     ndis.sys     Sat Apr 11 00:45:52 2009 (49E02080)[/B]
[B]8cded000 8cdf8000   ndistapi ndistapi.sys Sat Jan 19 00:56:24 2008 (47919108)[/B]
[B]829a6000 829c9000   ndiswan  ndiswan.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:46:31 2009 (49E020A7)[/B]
[B]823ef000 82400000   NDProxy  NDProxy.SYS  Sat Jan 19 00:56:28 2008 (4791910C)[/B]
[B]8d4c1000 8d4cf000   netbios  netbios.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:55:45 2008 (479190E1)[/B]
[B]8d457000 8d489000   netbt    netbt.sys    Sat Apr 11 00:45:35 2009 (49E0206F)[/B]
[B]82941000 8297c000   NETIO    NETIO.SYS    Sat Apr 11 00:46:21 2009 (49E0209D)[/B]
[B]8d3cc000 8d3da000   Npfs     Npfs.SYS     Sat Apr 11 00:14:01 2009 (49E01909)[/B]
[B]8d526000 8d530000   nsiproxy nsiproxy.sys Sat Jan 19 00:55:50 2008 (479190E6)[/B]
[B]81c47000 82000000   nt       ntkrpamp.exe Thu Feb 18 06:01:28 2010 (4B7D1E08)[/B]
[B]87c02000 87d12000   Ntfs     Ntfs.sys     Sat Apr 11 00:14:34 2009 (49E0192A)[/B]
[B]8d376000 8d37d000   Null     Null.SYS     unavailable (00000000)[/B]
[B]8c008000 8c726960   nvlddmkm nvlddmkm.sys Thu May 22 18:51:06 2008 (4835F8DA)[/B]
[B]8cc95000 8cd94600   nvmfdx32 nvmfdx32.sys Fri Aug 01 14:37:49 2008 (489357FD)[/B]
[B]8229c000 822a9000   nvstor   nvstor.sys   Sat Dec 23 11:07:25 2006 (458D543D)[/B]
[B]822ea000 82307000   nvstor32 nvstor32.sys Fri Oct 26 14:50:16 2007 (472236E8)[/B]
[B]82b84000 82b93300   ohci1394 ohci1394.sys Sat Apr 11 00:43:04 2009 (49E01FD8)[/B]
[B]8d489000 8d49f000   pacer    pacer.sys    Sat Apr 11 00:45:51 2009 (49E0207F)[/B]
[B]807a4000 807b3000   partmgr  partmgr.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:39:19 2009 (49E01EF7)[/B]
[B]8077d000 807a4000   pci      pci.sys      Sat Apr 11 00:19:16 2009 (49E01A44)[/B]
[B]82251000 82258000   pciide   pciide.sys   Sat Apr 11 00:39:10 2009 (49E01EEE)[/B]
[B]82258000 82266000   PCIIDEX  PCIIDEX.SYS  Sat Apr 11 00:39:09 2009 (49E01EED)[/B]
[B]9b8c3000 9b9a1000   peauth   peauth.sys   Mon Oct 23 04:55:32 2006 (453C8384)[/B]
[B]8d2f8000 8d325000   portcls  portcls.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:42:48 2009 (49E01FC8)[/B]
[B]80414000 80425000   PSHED    PSHED.dll    Sat Apr 11 02:25:32 2009 (49E037DC)[/B]
[B]8d3da000 8d3e3000   rasacd   rasacd.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:56:31 2008 (4791910F)[/B]
[B]8cbd0000 8cbe7000   rasl2tp  rasl2tp.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:56:33 2008 (47919111)[/B]
[B]8cbe7000 8cbf6000   raspppoe raspppoe.sys Sat Apr 11 00:46:30 2009 (49E020A6)[/B]
[B]82be0000 82bf4000   raspptp  raspptp.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:56:34 2008 (47919112)[/B]
[B]829c9000 829de000   rassstp  rassstp.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:46:40 2009 (49E020B0)[/B]
[B]8d4ea000 8d526000   rdbss    rdbss.sys    Sat Apr 11 00:14:26 2009 (49E01922)[/B]
[B]8d3b1000 8d3b9000   RDPCDD   RDPCDD.sys   Sat Jan 19 01:01:08 2008 (47919224)[/B]
[B]8d3b9000 8d3c1000   rdpencdd rdpencdd.sys Sat Jan 19 01:01:09 2008 (47919225)[/B]
[B]807d6000 807e9000   rspndr   rspndr.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:55:03 2008 (479190B7)[/B]
[B]8d008000 8d2f7f80   RTKVHDA  RTKVHDA.sys  Fri Apr 30 04:59:05 2010 (4BDA9BD9)[/B]
[B]80709000 8072f000   SCSIPORT SCSIPORT.SYS Sat Jan 19 00:49:44 2008 (47918F78)[/B]
[B]9b9a1000 9b9ab000   secdrv   secdrv.SYS   Wed Sep 13 09:18:32 2006 (45080528)[/B]
[B]807c2000 807d6000   smb      smb.sys      Sat Apr 11 00:45:22 2009 (49E02062)[/B]
[B]87d4b000 87d53000   spldr    spldr.sys    Thu Jun 21 20:29:17 2007 (467B17DD)[/B]
[B]9ac0c000 9acbc000   spsys    spsys.sys    Tue Mar 10 13:10:28 2009 (49B69F04)[/B]
[B]8060d000 80700000   sptd     sptd.sys     Sun Oct 11 16:54:02 2009 (4AD245EA)[/B]
[B]9b835000 9b883000   srv      srv.sys      Fri Dec 11 06:43:28 2009 (4B223060)[/B]
[B]9b80e000 9b835000   srv2     srv2.sys     Mon Sep 14 05:29:49 2009 (4AAE0D0D)[/B]
[B]9ad29000 9ad46000   srvnet   srvnet.sys   Fri Dec 11 06:43:10 2009 (4B22304E)[/B]
[B]822a9000 822ea000   storport storport.sys Sat Apr 11 00:39:19 2009 (49E01EF7)[/B]
[B]8e3e6000 8e3f2f00   STREAM   STREAM.SYS   Sat Apr 11 00:42:47 2009 (49E01FC7)[/B]
[B]8cdf8000 8cdf9380   swenum   swenum.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:49:20 2008 (47918F60)[/B]
[B]82a05000 82aef000   tcpip    tcpip.sys    Thu Feb 18 06:28:54 2010 (4B7D2476)[/B]
[B]9b9ab000 9b9b7000   tcpipreg tcpipreg.sys Tue Dec 08 12:26:18 2009 (4B1E8C3A)[/B]
[B]8cde2000 8cded000   TDI      TDI.SYS      Sat Jan 19 00:57:10 2008 (47919136)[/B]
[B]8d3e3000 8d3f9000   tdx      tdx.sys      Sat Apr 11 00:45:56 2009 (49E02084)[/B]
[B]829de000 829ee000   termdd   termdd.sys   Sat Apr 11 00:51:14 2009 (49E021C2)[/B]
[B]95620000 95629000   TSDDD    TSDDD.dll    unavailable (00000000)[/B]
[B]82b15000 82b1e000   tunmp    tunmp.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:55:40 2008 (479190DC)[/B]
[B]82b0a000 82b15000   tunnel   tunnel.sys   Thu Feb 18 06:28:13 2010 (4B7D244D)[/B]
[B]829ee000 829fb000   umbus    umbus.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:53:40 2008 (47919064)[/B]
[B]8d5b0000 8d5c1e00   usbaudio usbaudio.sys Sat Apr 11 00:42:54 2009 (49E01FCE)[/B]
[B]8d547000 8d55e000   usbccgp  usbccgp.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:53:29 2008 (47919059)[/B]
[B]8d4bf000 8d4c0700   USBD     USBD.SYS     Sat Jan 19 00:53:17 2008 (4791904D)[/B]
[B]8c7dc000 8c7eb000   usbehci  usbehci.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:42:52 2009 (49E01FCC)[/B]
[B]823ba000 823ef000   usbhub   usbhub.sys   Sat Apr 11 00:43:14 2009 (49E01FE2)[/B]
[B]8c7d2000 8c7dc000   usbohci  usbohci.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:42:52 2009 (49E01FCC)[/B]
[B]82b2e000 82b6c000   USBPORT  USBPORT.SYS  Sat Apr 11 00:42:55 2009 (49E01FCF)[/B]
[B]8d56b000 8d575000   usbprint usbprint.sys Sat Jan 19 01:14:40 2008 (47919550)[/B]
[B]8d55e000 8d56b000   usbscan  usbscan.sys  Sat Jan 19 01:14:09 2008 (47919531)[/B]
[B]8d5c2000 8d5d7000   USBSTOR  USBSTOR.SYS  Sat Apr 11 00:42:55 2009 (49E01FCF)[/B]
[B]8d384000 8d390000   vga      vga.sys      Sat Jan 19 00:52:06 2008 (47919006)[/B]
[B]8d390000 8d3b1000   VIDEOPRT VIDEOPRT.SYS Sat Jan 19 00:52:10 2008 (4791900A)[/B]
[B]807b3000 807c2000   volmgr   volmgr.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:49:51 2008 (47918F7F)[/B]
[B]82207000 82251000   volmgrx  volmgrx.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:39:25 2009 (49E01EFD)[/B]
[B]87d12000 87d4b000   volsnap  volsnap.sys  Sat Apr 11 00:39:37 2009 (49E01F09)[/B]
[B]8e208000 8e3e5500   VX1000   VX1000.sys   Tue Oct 06 21:48:40 2009 (4ACBF378)[/B]
[B]8d4cf000 8d4e2000   wanarp   wanarp.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:56:31 2008 (4791910F)[/B]
[B]8c7c6000 8c7d2000   watchdog watchdog.sys Sat Apr 11 00:22:43 2009 (49E01B13)[/B]
[B]8054e000 805ca000   Wdf01000 Wdf01000.sys Sat Jan 19 00:52:21 2008 (47919015)[/B]
[B]805ca000 805d7000   WDFLDR   WDFLDR.SYS   Sat Jan 19 00:52:19 2008 (47919013)[/B]
[B]95400000 95603000   win32k   win32k.sys   unavailable (00000000)[/B]
[B]80700000 80709000   WMILIB   WMILIB.SYS   Sat Jan 19 00:53:08 2008 (47919044)[/B]
[B]9b9d4000 9b9e6000   WUDFPf   WUDFPf.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:52:49 2008 (47919031)[/B]
[B]9b9bf000 9b9d3580   WUDFRd   WUDFRd.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:53:04 2008 (47919040)[/B]
[B]9b9b7000 9b9bf000   xaudio   xaudio.sys   Thu Oct 18 18:36:53 2007 (4717E005)[/B]

You have given me MANY BSOD reports. Most showed different drivers, but one driver showed up more than a few times. NTFS.sys. This is a Microsoft driver, which may not be the true problem. NTFS often indicates hard drive problems. That being said it may also be memory, which causes driver problems. May I suggest the following course of action.

The reports that you have submitted reveal clues to the cause of your problem. They do not give a definitive answer. The more reports that we receive the more clues are made available improving our chances of finding a solution to your problem. Each remedy suggested must be performed regardless of placement in this report or other variables. You may have to experience several more BSODs until the final answer is discovered.

If overclocking restore normal settings

SFC /scannow
System Files - SFC Command

Scan with your Anti Virus

Download memtest86 and test RAM
Run for 8 passes
If passes try a good stick in each slot for 3 passes
If fails do the same for 8 passes.

Please remove any CD virtualization programs such as Daemon Tools and Alcohol 120%. They use a driver, found in your dmp, sptd.sys, that is notorious for causing BSODs. Use this SPTD uninstaller when you're done:

Uninstall your current Anti Virus and replace with Microsoft Security Essentials.

Test Hard Drive HD Diagnostic or this test Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.

After everything has been done and you still get BSODs, read this. It will tell you how you can replace NTFS, which I do not think is the true cause of your BSODs

After performing all of the above, post back with any new BSOD reports, or indicate that the attempted repairs were successful.
If any links do not work, if clicked, please copy and paste to browser address bar.
It is very important to remember that the dump reports only give clues as to the problem and although it is very easy to analyze only one or two, usually more are needed. If you experience additional BSOD after installing a current version of the driver in question, be sure to post so that we can use the additional information to assist you in preventing the BSOD's

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    DSL provided by ATT
- i already have microsoft security essentials
- no virtualization programs installed
- never overclocked

I'm currently doing the sfc /scannow, after which ill run the HD Diagnostic and then will be doing the Ram test overnight.

Nothing came up during the scan through security essentials.

Earlier today i tried to update my motherboard driver because that fixed the BSOD the last time it happened, but the computer would BSOD halfway through the installation process. Also it would BSOD during almost every installation of a driver that i attempt.
Any advice?

**I tried to run on safe mode to install the driver, but safe mode wouldnt load. it would go through all the drivers and just freeze and eventually BSOD again. BSOD BSOD BSOD!!!!!

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    Hp Pavilion a1730n
    4600+ AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor
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    Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE
/sfc scannow completed, no errors/violations found. about to do HDD

My Computer

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    Hp Pavilion a1730n
    4600+ AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor
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    Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE
For the HD diagnostic i was wondering if it was compulsory that i did it the bootable way or if it was okay if i just downloaded the executable, installed and ran it in windows? (seagate hd)

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    Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE
I think that the HD test is the most likely. If everything passes, we will have to try and updated the ntfs.sys driver.

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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    Dell USB
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    DSL provided by ATT
For the HD diagnostic i was wondering if it was compulsory that i did it the bootable way or if it was okay if i just downloaded the executable, installed and ran it in windows? (seagate hd)

The usual method is to boot. I would suggest that we stay with that method. The verylast thing that we want is to pass a test that should have failed, that would set us back quite a bit.

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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    DSL provided by ATT
i did every thing, but the ntfs one with no results. everything passed without any reports or errors. so ntfs it is then?

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i did every thing, but the ntfs one with no results. everything passed without any reports or errors. so ntfs it is then?

realized that makes no sense ^^.
i did all the tests other than the ntfs one. all tests returned 0 results. should i continue with the ntfs one?

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    Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE
As I mentioned in my first post. You gave me many reports, mostly in conflict. The most consistent was NTFS (BC 50). That being said, no, it is not definately NTFS.

My question is, How did you do the memory test so qucikly. You had to make 8 passes and then test each slot. If done correctly, it should have taken longer.

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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    Dell USB
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    DSL provided by ATT
oh right, i missed it i left the usb in the slot and completely forgot about it.
ill be doing that now

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Re did the memory test overnight, had gone smoothly.
there were numerous crashes between the date i posted and now so i zipped up the dump files from then till now.

the first time i uploaded the dump files im pretty sure there were some from way back as well. i solved the problem since by updating a bunch of drivers. BSOD only recently started happening about a week ago.

hope this helps to figure the problem out.

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    Hp Pavilion a1730n
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    Nvidia GeForce 6150 LE
Same code 50 did you follow the instructions for NTFS?

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Not yet. Wanted to double check before i did.

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i try to replace the ntfs file but completely failed.

First off the cmd prompt on the vista boot dvd opens up X:\windows\system32\drivers...

Now X is not my CD ROM drive letter.

the instructions say i need to rename the ntfs IN drivers folder located in the CD ROM drive. this is F in my case. however when i do F:\ and then cd windows, the specified path could not be found..

it would be great if you could help me out with this because im completely lost.
elaborate a bit on how i can replace this please?

Thanks again for all the help.

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The NTFS driver is very rare, lets test all the drivers, first and see what happens

Driver Verifier Inst

Please run Verifier with these settings:
Using Driver Verifier is an iffy proposition. Most times it'll crash and it'll tell you what the driver is. But sometimes it'll crash and won't tell you the driver. Other times it'll crash before you can log in to Windows. If you can't get to Safe Mode, then you'll have to resort to offline editing of the registry to disable Driver Verifier.
So, I'd suggest that you first backup your stuff and then make sure you've got access to another computer so you can contact us if problems arise. Then make a System Restore point (so you can restore the system using the Vista/Windows 7 Startup Repair feature).
Then, here's the procedure:
- Go to Start and type in "verifier" (without the quotes) and press Enter
- Select "Create custom settings (for code developers)" and click "Next"
- Select "Select individual settings from a full list" and click "Next"
- Select everything EXCEPT FOR "Low Resource Simulation" and click "Next"
NOTE: You can use Low Resource Simulation if you'd like. From my limited experimentation it makes the BSOD's come faster.
- Select "Select driver names from a list" and click "Next"
Then select all drivers NOT provided by Microsoft and click "Next"
- Select "Finish" on the next page.
Reboot the system and wait for it to crash to the Blue Screen. Continue to use your system normally, and if you know what causes the crash, do that repeatedly. The objective here is to get the system to crash because Driver Verifier is stressing the drivers out. If it doesn't crash for you, then let it run for at least 36 hours of continuous operation (an estimate on my part).
Reboot into Windows (after the crash) and turn off Driver Verifier by going back in and selecting "Delete existing settings" on the first page, then locate and zip up the memory dump file and upload it with your next post.
If you can't get into Windows because it crashes too soon, try it in Safe Mode.
If you can't get into Safe Mode, try using System Restore from your installation DVD to set the system back to the previous restore point that you created.
Enable the driver verifier
Last edited:

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