I have dual monitor display. i'm using a Dell laptop and have a secondary monitor attached to it, and my display is extended.
On my secondary monitor, my colors are accurate. My online friends and I see the same colors when I use that monitor.
My laptop's monitor, however...
All blues are a bit darker, and anything that is actually teal/turquoise appears as dark blue.
I've tried calibrating color, but the problem persists.
Please help me, I love you long time.
Thank you in advance.
On my secondary monitor, my colors are accurate. My online friends and I see the same colors when I use that monitor.
My laptop's monitor, however...
All blues are a bit darker, and anything that is actually teal/turquoise appears as dark blue.
I've tried calibrating color, but the problem persists.
Please help me, I love you long time.
Thank you in advance.