multiple blue screens appearing recently.


New Member
just recently out of the blue, i've been having multiple crashes, of the irql less or not equal error variety. i thought they were as a result of me using my mic to chat, since crashes would often happen after that, but even without using it, it's been crashing as well. the only programs i've installed lately are avast internet security, other than that, i've updated the driver for my camera and did the usual windows updates. i'm not sure what the problem could be. anyway, here's my dump file attached, hoping someone could help analyze this and help solve this problem 'cause it's really been a nuisance. thank you.


My Computer

Usual causes: Device driver
The system attempted to access pageable memory using a kernel process IRQL that was too high. The most typical cause is a bad device driver (one that uses improper addresses). It can also be caused by caused by faulty or mismatched RAM, or a damaged pagefile

 Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.11.0001.404 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\richc46\AppData\Local\Temp\Temp1_Mini082510-01[1].zip\Mini082510-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available
Symbol search path is: SRV*c:\symbols*
Executable search path is: 
Windows Server 2008/Windows Vista Kernel Version 6002 (Service Pack 2) MP (2 procs) Free x86 compatible
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS Personal
Built by: 6002.18267.x86fre.vistasp2_gdr.100608-0458
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0x8243d000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x82554c70
Debug session time: Wed Aug 25 00:32:19.535 2010 (GMT-4)
System Uptime: 0 days 8:37:31.236
Loading Kernel Symbols
Loading User Symbols
Loading unloaded module list
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *
Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck D1, {8, 2, 1, 8a432796}
Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\Rtlh86.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for Rtlh86.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for Rtlh86.sys
Unable to load image \SystemRoot\System32\Drivers\aswNdis2.sys, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for aswNdis2.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for aswNdis2.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for aswFW.SYS
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for aswFW.SYS
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for aswTdi.SYS
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for aswTdi.SYS
Probably caused by : Rtlh86.sys ( Rtlh86+6175 )
Followup: MachineOwner
1: kd> !analyze -v
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *
An attempt was made to access a pageable (or completely invalid) address at an
interrupt request level (IRQL) that is too high.  This is usually
caused by drivers using improper addresses.
If kernel debugger is available get stack backtrace.
Arg1: 00000008, memory referenced
Arg2: 00000002, IRQL
Arg3: 00000001, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: 8a432796, address which referenced memory
Debugging Details:
WRITE_ADDRESS: GetPointerFromAddress: unable to read from 82574868
Unable to read MiSystemVaType memory at 82554420
8a432796 c7400836434f4d  mov     dword ptr [eax+8],4D4F4336h
PROCESS_NAME:  svchost.exe
TRAP_FRAME:  a9283df0 -- (.trap 0xffffffffa9283df0)
ErrCode = 00000002
eax=00000000 ebx=00000000 ecx=a9283e8c edx=875d61e8 esi=8538b580 edi=00000002
eip=8a432796 esp=a9283e64 ebp=a9283e6c iopl=0         nv up ei pl zr na pe nc
cs=0008  ss=0010  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0030  gs=0000             efl=00010246
8a432796 c7400836434f4d  mov     dword ptr [eax+8],4D4F4336h ds:0023:00000008=????????
Resetting default scope
LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER:  from 8a432796 to 8248afd9
a9283df0 8a432796 badb0d00 875d61e8 00000008 nt!KiTrap0E+0x2e1
a9283e6c 8a4da5fe 8538b580 a9283e8c a9283e9c ndis!ndisXlateSendCompleteNetBufferListToPacket+0x36
a9283e90 8a4d958d 877b0390 00000000 00000001 ndis!ndisMSendNetBufferListsCompleteToNdisPackets+0x56
a9283ec4 8a4d964c 8728a0e8 8538b580 00000001 ndis!ndisMSendCompleteNetBufferListsInternal+0xb8
a9283ee4 8eb3d175 8728a0e8 8538b580 00000001 ndis!NdisMSendNetBufferListsComplete+0x70
WARNING: Stack unwind information not available. Following frames may be wrong.
a9283f18 8eb38bf5 00000000 00000000 00000000 Rtlh86+0x6175
a9283f40 8eb396e4 004883f0 00000000 00000000 Rtlh86+0x1bf5
a9283f5c 8a4d949e 874883f0 8538b580 00000000 Rtlh86+0x26e4
a9283f84 8a436ce0 8728a0e8 8538b580 00000000 ndis!ndisMSendNBLToMiniport+0xb4
a9283fc4 8a436c0c 8728a0e8 00284028 00000001 ndis!ndisMSendPacketsToNetBufferLists+0x92
a9284000 8a4da6db 877b0390 a9284028 00000001 ndis!ndisSendPacketsWithPause+0x236
a928401c 8a581108 877b0390 875d61e8 861f4438 ndis!ndisSendWithPause+0x48
a9284048 8a4dc8e1 007b0b58 a9284090 00000001 aswNdis2+0x5108
a9284070 8a4dc707 a9284094 a9284090 00000001 ndis!ndisMSendPacketsXToMiniport+0x141
a92840d8 8a40e7d7 861f4438 868f4880 00000000 ndis!ndisMSendNetBufferListsToPackets+0x84
a92840f8 8a40e720 868f4880 868f4880 00000000 ndis!ndisFilterSendNetBufferLists+0x8b
a9284110 8fe904a3 87a17c10 868f4880 00000000 ndis!NdisFSendNetBufferLists+0x18
a928418c 8a40e869 87a17968 868f4880 00000000 pacer!PcFilterSendNetBufferLists+0x233
a92841a8 8a4d93b5 868f4880 868f4880 00000000 ndis!ndisSendNBLToFilter+0x87
a92841cc 8a671095 87b50508 868f4880 00000000 ndis!NdisSendNetBufferLists+0x4f
a9284214 8a66ff4a 87b508c0 00000000 00000000 tcpip!FlSendPackets+0x399
a9284254 8a66f992 8a6d7cd0 00000000 00000000 tcpip!IppFragmentPackets+0x201
a928428c 8a66f734 8a6d7cd0 a92843a8 616c7049 tcpip!IppDispatchSendPacketHelper+0x252
a928432c 8a67084c 002843a8 00000000 855f8178 tcpip!IppPacketizeDatagrams+0x8fe
a928448c 8a671e49 00000000 00000004 8a6d7cd0 tcpip!IppSendDatagramsCommon+0x604
a92844ac 8a664942 85906208 a92845a8 a928476c tcpip!IpNlpSendDatagrams+0x4b
a92846f4 8a664a69 881990b8 86190578 00000000 tcpip!UdpSendMessages+0xc07
a9284708 824efeb4 a928476c 829a3dd7 a9284794 tcpip!UdpTlProviderSendMessagesCalloutRoutine+0x13
a9284748 8a664a3b 8a664a56 a928476c 00000000 nt!KeExpandKernelStackAndCalloutEx+0xbd
a9284778 8fbc0d86 869ebcc8 a9284794 85424960 tcpip!UdpTlProviderSendMessages+0x5e
a92847c0 8fbc8a52 8686f758 85424900 868e8af0 tdx!TdxSendDatagramTransportAddress+0x206
a92847dc 824819c6 87a6f3b0 85424960 85424a10 tdx!TdxTdiDispatchInternalDeviceControl+0x5c
a92847f4 8fbd3d49 85152450 a92848fc 00000000 nt!IofCallDriver+0x63
a928480c 8fbd9308 00000001 85424960 00000000 aswFW+0xd49
a928485c 8fbd8321 00000000 a92848fc a9284894 aswFW+0x6308
a928486c 8fbd8854 a92848fc a92848a4 871d2008 aswFW+0x5321
a9284894 8fbd8e49 86202008 a92848a4 00000000 aswFW+0x5854
a92848a8 8fbd6228 a92848fc 85424960 87aaeae0 aswFW+0x5e49
a9284994 8fbd3def 87aaeae0 85424960 a92849bc aswFW+0x3228
a92849a4 824819c6 87aaeae0 85424960 87a99e28 aswFW+0xdef
a92849bc 8fbea679 26976d1d 00000000 85424a18 nt!IofCallDriver+0x63
a9284a10 8fbea9ef 87a99df8 85424960 85424a18 aswTdi+0x679
a9284a58 824819c6 87aaeae0 85424960 85424928 aswTdi+0x9ef
a9284a70 8fe2b914 26c9a9b1 00000001 0288ebe8 nt!IofCallDriver+0x63
a9284ad8 8fe203d0 0288ec3e 00000003 8fe203d0 afd!AfdFastDatagramSend+0x5ba
a9284c58 82683b4c 8682d901 00000001 0288ebb0 afd!AfdFastIoDeviceControl+0x3c1
a9284d00 82685012 87b58f08 00000238 00000000 nt!IopXxxControlFile+0x2cf
a9284d34 82487c7a 00000870 00000238 00000000 nt!NtDeviceIoControlFile+0x2a
a9284d34 00000000 00000870 00000238 00000000 nt!KiFastCallEntry+0x12a

Outdated Drivers
 AegisP   AegisP.sys   Wed Sep 21 13:12:31 2005 (4331947F)
mdmxsdk  mdmxsdk.sys  Mon Jun 19 17:26:59 2006 (449716A3)
xaudio   xaudio.sys   Fri Aug 04 20:39:09 2006 (44D3E8AD)
secdrv   secdrv.SYS   Wed Sep 13 09:18:32 2006 (45080528)
[COLOR=royalblue]Rtlh86   Rtlh86.sys   Tue Sep 26 07:20:27 2006 (45190CFB[/COLOR])
nvstor   nvstor.sys   Tue Oct 03 20:25:15 2006 (4522FF6B)
peauth   peauth.sys   Mon Oct 23 04:55:32 2006 (453C8384)
crcdisk  crcdisk.sys  Thu Nov 02 04:52:27 2006 (4549B1CB)
RTKVHDA  RTKVHDA.sys  Wed Nov 08 06:04:28 2006 (4551B9BC)
rtlprot  rtlprot.sys  Fri Apr 20 05:16:46 2007 (462884FE)
spldr    spldr.sys    Thu Jun 21 20:29:17 2007 (467B17DD)
nvstor32 nvstor32.sys Thu Aug 09 14:11:36 2007 (46BB58D8)
yk60x86  yk60x86.sys  Thu Dec 06 07:25:16 2007 (4757EA2C)
amdk8    amdk8.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:27:20 2008 (47918A38)
Fs_Rec   Fs_Rec.SYS   Sat Jan 19 00:27:57 2008 (47918A5D)
cdfs     cdfs.sys     Sat Jan 19 00:28:02 2008 (47918A62)
Msfs     Msfs.SYS     Sat Jan 19 00:28:08 2008 (47918A68)
bowser   bowser.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:28:26 2008 (47918A7A)
luafv    luafv.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:30:35 2008 (47918AFB)
BATTC    BATTC.SYS    Sat Jan 19 00:32:45 2008 (47918B7D)
compbatt compbatt.sys Sat Jan 19 00:32:47 2008 (47918B7F)
msisadrv msisadrv.sys Sat Jan 19 00:32:51 2008 (47918B83)
mssmbios mssmbios.sys Sat Jan 19 00:32:55 2008 (47918B87)
fileinfo fileinfo.sys Sat Jan 19 00:34:27 2008 (47918BE3)
Dxapi    Dxapi.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:36:12 2008 (47918C4C)
Beep     Beep.SYS     Sat Jan 19 00:49:10 2008 (47918F56)
Null     Null.SYS     Sat Jan 19 00:49:12 2008 (47918F58)
mountmgr mountmgr.sys Sat Jan 19 00:49:13 2008 (47918F59)
mouclass mouclass.sys Sat Jan 19 00:49:14 2008 (47918F5A)
kbdclass kbdclass.sys Sat Jan 19 00:49:14 2008 (47918F5A)
mouhid   mouhid.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:49:16 2008 (47918F5C)
swenum   swenum.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:49:20 2008 (47918F60)
parvdm   parvdm.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:49:28 2008 (47918F68)
serenum  serenum.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:49:29 2008 (47918F69)
parport  parport.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:49:32 2008 (47918F6C)
serial   serial.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:49:34 2008 (47918F6E)
SCSIPORT SCSIPORT.SYS Sat Jan 19 00:49:44 2008 (47918F78)
volmgr   volmgr.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:49:51 2008 (47918F7F)
vga      vga.sys      Sat Jan 19 00:52:06 2008 (47919006)
VIDEOPRT VIDEOPRT.SYS Sat Jan 19 00:52:10 2008 (4791900A)
monitor  monitor.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:52:19 2008 (47919013)
WDFLDR   WDFLDR.SYS   Sat Jan 19 00:52:19 2008 (47919013)
Wdf01000 Wdf01000.sys Sat Jan 19 00:52:21 2008 (47919015)
WUDFPf   WUDFPf.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:52:49 2008 (47919031)
WUDFRd   WUDFRd.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:53:04 2008 (47919040)
WMILIB   WMILIB.SYS   Sat Jan 19 00:53:08 2008 (47919044)
HIDPARSE HIDPARSE.SYS Sat Jan 19 00:53:16 2008 (4791904C)
USBD     USBD.SYS     Sat Jan 19 00:53:17 2008 (4791904D)
usbccgp  usbccgp.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:53:29 2008 (47919059)
umbus    umbus.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:53:40 2008 (47919064)
mpsdrv   mpsdrv.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:54:45 2008 (479190A5)
lltdio   lltdio.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:55:03 2008 (479190B7)
rspndr   rspndr.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:55:03 2008 (479190B7)
ndisuio  ndisuio.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:55:40 2008 (479190DC)
tunmp    tunmp.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:55:40 2008 (479190DC)
netbios  netbios.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:55:45 2008 (479190E1)
nsiproxy nsiproxy.sys Sat Jan 19 00:55:50 2008 (479190E6)
ndistapi ndistapi.sys Sat Jan 19 00:56:24 2008 (47919108)
NDProxy  NDProxy.SYS  Sat Jan 19 00:56:28 2008 (4791910C)
rasacd   rasacd.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:56:31 2008 (4791910F)
wanarp   wanarp.sys   Sat Jan 19 00:56:31 2008 (4791910F)
rasl2tp  rasl2tp.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:56:33 2008 (47919111)
raspptp  raspptp.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:56:34 2008 (47919112)
TDI      TDI.SYS      Sat Jan 19 00:57:10 2008 (47919136)
RootMdm  RootMdm.sys  Sat Jan 19 00:57:14 2008 (4791913A)
modem    modem.sys    Sat Jan 19 00:57:16 2008 (4791913C)
RDPCDD   RDPCDD.sys   Sat Jan 19 01:01:08 2008 (47919224)
TSDDD    TSDDD.dll    Sat Jan 19 01:01:09 2008 (47919225)
rdpencdd rdpencdd.sys Sat Jan 19 01:01:09 2008 (47919225)
serscan  serscan.sys  Sat Jan 19 01:14:10 2008 (47919532)
drmk     drmk.sys     Sat Jan 19 01:53:02 2008 (47919E4E)
BOOTVID  BOOTVID.dll  Sat Jan 19 02:27:15 2008 (4791A653)
nvlddmkm nvlddmkm.sys Thu Jun 19 13:54:21 2008 (485A9D4D)

As shown above the direct cause given is a driver. Reference is made to Rtlh86.sys. This driver is used in conjuction with your network.
Realtek 8101E/8168/8169 PCI/PCIe Adapters
Description: Realtek 8101E/8168/8169 NDIS6 32-bit Driver
Company: Realtek Corporation

Update the network card
Test memory as referece was made to memory
After the first two steps test computer see if BSOD is solved
Update old drivers
Uninstall the security system that was just installed and replace with Microsoft security Essentials.
Remove Driver SPTD (Part of Daemon or Alchol 120% Virtualization Software)
Do the above steps in the order given.Do one at a time and test the computer for BSOD.
See below for more detail. Additional suggestions are given below including routine maintenance which should be performed after a BSOD

Enable the Driver Verifier, to see which of the old drives need to be replaced to stop the BSOD. However they should all be replaced to avoid future problems

Download memtest86 and test RAM

Scan with your Anti Virus

SFC /scannow

Update outdated listed drivers. If I have inadvertently listed any Microsoft Drivers, they can be ignored.

Uninstall your current Anti Virus and replace with Microsoft Security Essentials., since you have just installed and can be instrumental in the BSOD

If any links do not work, use copy and paste to the address bar.

How to Find Drivers
search Google for the name of the driver
- compare the Google results with what's installed on your system to figure out which device/program it belongs to
- visit the web site of the manufacturer of the hardware/program to get the latest drivers (DON'T use Windows Update or the Update driver function of Device Manager).
- if there are difficulties in locating them, post back with questions and someone - will help you search Google for the name of the driver
- compare the Google results with what's installed on your system to figure out which device/program it belongs to
- - if there are difficulties in locating them, post back with questions and someone will try and help you locate the appropriate program.
- - The most common drivers are listed on this page: Driver Reference
- - Driver manufacturer links are on this page: Drivers and Downloads
To remove any left over driver remnants, especially from graphics cards, use driver sweeper

Please remove any CD virtualization programs such as Daemon Tools and Alcohol 120%. They use a driver, found in your dmp, sptd.sys, that is notorious for causing BSODs. Use this SPTD uninstaller when you're done: DuplexSecure - Downloads

After performing all of the above, post back with any new BSOD reports, or indicate that the attempted repairs were successful.

Please remember that several attempts may be required before we can solve your BSOD problem. These reports are not definitive but merely point the way to a solution.
Last edited:

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Dell XPS420
    6 gig
    Graphics card(s)
    ATI Radeon HD3650 256 MB
    Sound Card
    Intergrated 7.1 Channel Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
    Hard Drives
    640 gb
    Dell USB 4 button optical
    Dell USB
    Other Info
    DSL provided by ATT