Blue Screen Error: BCCode: a (PLEASE help)


New Member
Ugh, this is stressful :(

I just purchased a Cyberpower PC with Windows Vista 64bit OS and I continuously rec'v the blue screen of DeAtH. I've been installing WoW (World of Warcraft) online and, and all throughout the installing the Bluescreen would pop up with BCCode: 124. NOW I'm installing the patches for WoW and I'm getting the follow message (after the bluescreen)

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: a
BCP1: 0000000000000008
BCP2: 0000000000000002
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: FFFFF8000211B1CA
OS Version: 6_0_6001
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:


Could someone PLEASE help me find out what this is? I'm not very computer oriented, so it's difficult for me to understand a lot of in-depth lingo (sorry >.<) but I've done my research for hours online (or as long as it would allow me to, before the blue screen hits again) and I've found a lot of issues with drivers.

This is the exact computer I'm using: - CyberpowerPC Gamer Infinity 7519 Core 2 Quad Q8400(2.66GHz) 4GB DDR2 500GB NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit - Desktop PCs

So that's all of the hardware I have configured. I went to the NVidia website and downloaded the most recent driver for this system and all of that whatnot. Has anyone experienced this issue? I would LOVE to have this resolved without sending it back or anything...

My Computer

We need this file (from the report you've pasted) in order to help you understand what's causing the crashes: "C:\Windows\Minidump\Mini091709-01.dmp"

You'll need to copy that file to a temporary location, zip it up, then upload the zip file here.

My Computer

I believe I've attached it and zipped it correctly. I ran CCleaner since the last blue screen, so I had to run the WoW patch program again to get another dump file, and sure enough, the lovely blue screen returned :)

Thank you so much for helping


Also- I've gone into the Device Manager and scoured all of the drivers for updates, and my monitor was the only driver that needed updating (through that process) so I'm lost as to where to look for which driver. Again- thanks very very much for helping :)


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My Computer

The stop 0xA is a direct result of activity by your NIC driver: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\Rtlh64.sys. It's dated "Sat Oct 04 03:17:29 2008".

There are newer versions of that driver. The one on the box which just happens to be next to me is timestamped as 06-Mar-2009. The first thing I suggest you do is to update the entire NIC driver package to the latest available version you can find.

Re-reading your initial description, the stop 0x124 errors are more worrying because they designate hardware problems (in absence of very situation-specific info to the contrary). Since the machine is new, and therefore untested, you might want to keep in mind the possibility that it's broken at a hardware level, especially if the stop 0xA crashes go away after a NIC driver update but the 0x124s keep on happening.

Lastly, the existence of "registry cleaners" is due to a collaborative effort between Beelzebub, Eris (the deity), and Mr. Bean. I thoroughly recommend keeping all "registry cleaners" the hell away from your machine(s), and severing your relationships with their advocates, even if they used to be close personal friends ;)

My Computer

I knew Satan had to have something to do with this... he's so devious :P

I'm sorry for being ever more annoying, though where would I find these updated driver :( I'm terrible indeed at finding anything... Also, is it POSSIBLE at all that after updating those drivers, that perhaps the problem will resolve? And I wouldn't have to send this machine back...? lol, I really hope this can be resolved here.

Yet again, thank you greatly for the time you're putting into this for me :)

My Computer

There's no need to be sorry - it's a help forum.

I don't know what NIC is in your machine. Realtek makes controller chips and they provide reference drivers, so you could download straight from them:


Before you do that, you might want to first check whether there are any "Realtek" updates available from Windows Update (click on Windows Update in your start menu), and whether you can figure out what make/model of NIC you've got, so that you can download more specific drivers from the manufacturer's website.

The crashes may go away with the NIC drivers updated. Just be methodical and patient. 0x124 is indicative of a hardware problem, as I mentioned earlier, so if you keep on getting those you'll eventually have to reinstall the OS from scratch in a last-ditch effort to avoid taking the thing back to the shop. That's inconvenient but it's not a tragedy. It's far worse, in my opinion, to keep putting off the inevitable until the warranty period expires, at which point any lingering hardware defects become Your Problem.

With new machines, I personally prefer to RMA sooner rather than later. There's no reason why I should have to live with the suspicion of lingering hardware defects in something I just bought brand new.

EDIT: I just noticed you're still on SP1. You should apply SP2 as a matter of priority. In addition to various fixes, it includes an update which prevents 0x124s being registered as a "false positive" (in situations where the hardware is not actually faulty).

My Computer

I tried going to the RealTek site, but it's confusing to find which I need to download, and the one I thought was for me, was a zipped file that had no automatic install... thing... :O

Mine appears to be: RTL8101E Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0)

but I can't find this on the RealTek site... and, as I said about, the one I thought may be compatable doesn't seem to be user friendly for someone as computer retarded as I am :-x

My Computer

I tried going to the RealTek site, but it's confusing to find which I need to download, and the one I thought was for me, was a zipped file that had no automatic install... thing... :O

Mine appears to be: RTL8101E Family PCI-E Fast Ethernet NIC (NDIS 6.0)

but I can't find this on the RealTek site... and, as I said about, the one I thought may be compatable doesn't seem to be user friendly for someone as computer retarded as I am :-x

I don't know whether you saw the edit I made to my earlier post - please consider applying SP2 for Vista before you do much else (you're still on SP1).

My Computer

After navigating the site I believe I found the right driver, updated just a month or two ago. So I've installed it... I'm going to try to run the WoW patch now... wish me luck >.<


Oh, and Windows is installing the updates now, I'll make sure SP2 is in there :)

My Computer

Okay- so I got through the installation of patches with the updated driver, and I also installed SP2- this was last night at 5am, I was a zombie at work today @_@

I started playing wow, and the 124 code is coming back after the BSOD. CyberPower customer service is absolutely horrible and I'm currently on hold with NewEgg tech support, hopefully they'll have some insight? (probably not :( )

My Computer

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Dell XPS420
    6 gig
    Graphics card(s)
    ATI Radeon HD3650 256 MB
    Sound Card
    Intergrated 7.1 Channel Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
    Hard Drives
    640 gb
    Dell USB 4 button optical
    Dell USB
    Other Info
    DSL provided by ATT