Hello everyone - I am a new member of the forum and hope that someone reading this might be able to help me with a problem I have with my computer.
When I start my computer a blue screen appear on my system and I could not start my computer
An error massage display on screen if you are displays its screen first time then restarts your computer
Some time my computer start and now after restarting my computer will not start
When this happens, I am unable to log off; the computer on/off button does not work when the screen freezes and I have to turn the computer off at the mains.
My computer runs on the Windows Vista operating system.
I changed from Internet Explorer browser 6 to 7 yesterday but the problem of the computer screen freezing persists.
Any helpful advice on this would be much appreciated.
When I start my computer a blue screen appear on my system and I could not start my computer
An error massage display on screen if you are displays its screen first time then restarts your computer
Some time my computer start and now after restarting my computer will not start
When this happens, I am unable to log off; the computer on/off button does not work when the screen freezes and I have to turn the computer off at the mains.
My computer runs on the Windows Vista operating system.
I changed from Internet Explorer browser 6 to 7 yesterday but the problem of the computer screen freezing persists.
Any helpful advice on this would be much appreciated.