Hi Shawn~
I just replied or so I thought, perhaps, I hit the wrong button, for post? D'oh!! Or
it will show up later? Have not clue one.
Anyhow, I tried Resetting Vista, awhile back, didn't seem to help. I do use a bunch
of add-ons and some may be out of date too, this would cause issues, or no?
Can, or is there a way to repair IE7, via my Vista Disk, or from MS?
Is over writing IE7 an option? Is there a simple FIX tool that's safe? :huh:
MS must be aware of this issue. Shawn. We;; you'd think so anyhow? :eek:
I started building my own Machines and working with Win 95 way back in the day
I'm a heavy Gamer. Though I've always been a heavy Gamer, and only PC.
I highly doubt that has anything to do with my dilemma. However.
Well anywho, Thanks so much for the Welcome aboard!! I used Abit MoBo's mostly
but they went belly up, sad day for me, I have 3 Abit Mobo's as well. One of the
Best IMHO. Gigabyte is Solid and Very dependable, not bad an OC'er either, I'm
sure I could get my C2D 8400 up to 3.7GHz, if I really wanted too. I had a DFI
Land Party not long ago running an Opty 1.8 GHZ, clocked @ 2.7 GHz. Not bad.
My C2D is stock 3GHz, so I just have it at 3.5GHz. Getting side tracked here
sorrry. So if you have any other ideas, do tell.
Opps I just saw my post show up, 2 minute delay, I see, ok...Got it now.
Sorry about that....