Windows Mail came with Vista and is specific to Vista. Some people had problems with Windows Mail, so Microsoft in their infinite wisdom, created a different program with almost the same name, much like Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer. I prefer the native Windows Mail because of the changes they made to create Windows Live Mail. Windows Mail functions better for my purposes. Unfortunately, having the names so similar creates problems whenever I look for answers to mail problems. Then, when I tell my helpers I don't have Windows Live Mail, instead of helping, they suggest I switch. Then I get frustrated with them and say sarcastic comments like "Gee why didn't I think of that." It's about that time that help stops.
The link describes how Windows Live Mail keeps counting up downloaded messages well after they've all been downloaded. What I'm describing has nothing to do with messages. It has to do with processes running. My messages are fine and the program appears to be working, other than a bug that MS has no intention of fixing because they created Windows Live Mail.
But if what I'm describing is a problem, I'd like to fix it. Hopefully, someone here is still using Windows Mail instead of Seamonkey, Outlook, or Windows Live Mail. Then hopefully, that same person can open Sysinternals Process Explorer, look at Windows Mail in their processes, and see if they are having the same experience. If so, then I may not be having a problem. That would be the first step.
ADDENDUM: I just figured out that the lower pane in the picture I posted lists DLLs for the process WinMail.exe. There are 54 Handles of WinMail.exe. I don't know what DLLs and Handles means in Process Explorer, but those are what's there.