Emails sometimes go to gmail and not windows mail

I primarily use Windows Mail for my work at home job. I also have a Gmail account so I can check for e-mails on my iphone when I'm out. I want to have it set up so that the emails show up in both places, Windows Mail and Gmail.

Currently if my desktop computer is turned off and my Windows Mail program is not open, the incoming emails only go to Gmail and not Windows mail. OR, if my computer is up and running but the Windows mail doesn't happen to be open, the emails only go to Gmail and not Windows Mail. Seems like if my browser (IE8) is open but windows mail is not open, emails will only go to Gmail.

Do I have some settings wrong which would make the emails not show up in Windows Mail?

I am running Windows Vista, 64 bit.

Thank you for any suggestions.

My Computer

Hi lindalo5032,

While researching for this issue, found a link which might help in fixing the issue: Leaving Mail on the Server with Windows Mail | Tiger Technologies Support

Ensure to check the box “Leave a copy of messages on the server” and uncheck “Remove from server after” and “Remove from server when deleted from deleted items”. Click Apply and then OK.

Check if the new messages appear in Windows Mails and Gmail.

Please post the results.

My Computer

System One

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    AMD FX-4100
    Graphics card(s)
    ATI 5450
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    Internet Speed
Thank you for your response. If I understand correctly, the procedure you describe allows me to see the e-mail message on the other e-mail program (G-Mail). My problem is that sometimes the messages go to G Mail but NOT to Windows Mail, not the other way around. I need to make sure they show up in Windows Mail. Right now SOMETIMES (not always) I will get an e-mail in G-Mail but it never shows up in Windows Mail.

My Computer

Hi lindalo5032,

With the process mentioned in my previous post, you would be able to see all the new mails in Windows Mail and in Gmail.

For any clarifications feel free to contact me.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    AMD FX-4100
    Graphics card(s)
    ATI 5450
    Screen Resolution
    Internet Speed