Can i view email accounts set up on Windows Vista laptop

Hi - Is anybody in the know-how on how to view what email accounts have been created using a laptop? For example hotmail, facebook, gmail? Can it be located somewhere in the control panel or history?

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Hi clayton.

Welcome to the forums :)

Its kind of unclear on what you want done.

Are you trying to find out the username and password of an email account made on your laptop?

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Hi, yes I'm after a way of finding email accounts that were set up on a laptop, the email address and password would be great but if not able to then just the email name/address would be just fine. I accidenytally came across this before somewhere in control panel but cannot remember how I did it. Thanks for any help you may be able to offer :D

My Computer

I'm pretty sure that this can't be found in the control panel unless you have parental controls that give you key strokes. (every button thats been typed). Are you trying to get into a public email or is it your personal one that your friends/family have used?

Try this:

go to

at the login screen, double click the "email" slot and see if you get any recently typed emails pop up. do the same for gmail, yahoo, facebook, etc.

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Hm.. I know for sure that there are tools that do just that, but I'm not entirely sure on how they work!

Try clicking the link in my signature below, and download that tool called "YUMI". once you have YUMI downloaded, there is a large list of programs and software that you can download, a few of which are password finders.

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I'm honestly not sure how to recover your own keystrokes.

Isnt there a little 'forgot username / forgot password' button where you can answer your security questions?

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