When from within a received message in Outlook I try to opena web page in Internet Explorer 9 using an embedded hyperlink,I now get thefollowing message ‘This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions ineffect on this computer. Please contact your system Administrator’ (Which I am)This has only recently started happening and I am not aware of changing anysetting that would have caused this to happen. I have checked the ‘Advancedcustomisation for working in Outlook’ setting and the ‘CTRL+Click’ function boxis ticked. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium Service Pack 2. Outlook withinOffice Enterprise 2007 and Internet Explorer 9.
Has anyone else experienced this issue recently and knows what to do to resolve?
Thanks very much for the update. It makes a lot of sense because I recently installed 'System Mechanic' and had a good old system tidy up which basically worked very well but probably a bit to well in the registry department.
However I created the 'reg' file using Notepad, but I guess this probably wasn't what you meant because when I double clicked it just opened the file in notepad. And if I try loading the keys as 'new' in Regedit it wants to wipe out all the other keys. Can you clarify what you meant in a bit more detail please?
I had already create the file with a .reg extension and it shows as such in Explorer and the file details. But when it is clicked it still opens in Notepad. If I try to merge it from within 'regedit' the warning message seems to imply it will overwrite everything below the HKEY entry level. What did you therefore mean by 'click and import file settings'