Searched everywhere so I hope someone here can help.
I use WLM as an email client only to download my Yahoo emails.
I recently converted some 2000 old AOL emails into .eml format.
The problem is that when I import these into WLM by any means, some (about 20%) have blank email bodies.
Body is blank if
If I bring it into WLM via import, drag and drop, exporting from Windows Mail and importing into WLM the body is blank both in the reading pane and if opened from within WLM (but it can be viewed in the message source)
but Body is visible if
1) I open the email by double clicking on the .eml file, the body is there.
2) If I import the imail into Windows Mail (via import, drag and drop or copying into Windows Mail folder (User\username\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Local Folder\Inbox), the body is there.
3) If copy the file into WLM User\username\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail\Yahoo\Inbox, the body is there - BUT the From and To are both the Sender with inverted commas around and if I export and re-import the body is gone - so I'd have the problem again with any new computer
So the email body exists but can't be seen in WLM! Can anyone shed light on why the body is invisible inside WLM and how I can get it to show?
By the way, the invisible emails I've checked have Content-Type: multipart/mixed or multipart/alternative. Could this be a clue? But recent multipart not-imported emails show up fine....
PS I also have a problem with WLM showing the wrong date for some other imported emails - in the reading pane and in the message header pane they show the import date but if you view properties-details the correct Received Date is plainly there. Anyone know anything about this?
Any help very gratefully received!!!!
Searched everywhere so I hope someone here can help.
I use WLM as an email client only to download my Yahoo emails.
I recently converted some 2000 old AOL emails into .eml format.
The problem is that when I import these into WLM by any means, some (about 20%) have blank email bodies.
Body is blank if
If I bring it into WLM via import, drag and drop, exporting from Windows Mail and importing into WLM the body is blank both in the reading pane and if opened from within WLM (but it can be viewed in the message source)
but Body is visible if
1) I open the email by double clicking on the .eml file, the body is there.
2) If I import the imail into Windows Mail (via import, drag and drop or copying into Windows Mail folder (User\username\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows Mail\Local Folder\Inbox), the body is there.
3) If copy the file into WLM User\username\Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail\Yahoo\Inbox, the body is there - BUT the From and To are both the Sender with inverted commas around and if I export and re-import the body is gone - so I'd have the problem again with any new computer
So the email body exists but can't be seen in WLM! Can anyone shed light on why the body is invisible inside WLM and how I can get it to show?
By the way, the invisible emails I've checked have Content-Type: multipart/mixed or multipart/alternative. Could this be a clue? But recent multipart not-imported emails show up fine....
PS I also have a problem with WLM showing the wrong date for some other imported emails - in the reading pane and in the message header pane they show the import date but if you view properties-details the correct Received Date is plainly there. Anyone know anything about this?
Any help very gratefully received!!!!