I have been using Live Mail in conjunction with my AOL account for some time now. I have it configured properly with IMAP to send and receive e-mails and there are no issues with that. I also see all my AOL personal folders and they were initally populated with all e-mails that were on AOL. The problem I now have is that any new messages I drop into an AOL personal folder from the AOL mail client doesn't show up if I view that same folder via Live Mail. I have also created a new Personal Folder on AOL and although the folder shows up in Live Mail when I refresh my folder list, it does not diaplay any e-mails I drop into that folder via the AOL mail client. The reverse proces however works... ie. if I drop a a new e-mail into a personal folder via Live Mail and then go to my AOL e-mail client it does show up there! ie. IMAP seems to be working only in one direction with Personal folders... I checked the synchronization setting for the folder and it is set to "All Messages". Suggestions please! Thanks...