My Windows Mail program suddenly stopped sending and receiving messages. The following error message popped up: "Account: 'Windows Mail', Server: 'pop3, Server Response: ERR An authentication mechanism MUST be entered,' Port: 110, Secure (SSL): No, Server Error: 0x800ccc90, Error Number: 0x800ccc18"
I have tried to trouble shoot settings. Everything appears to be correct per my internet provider. My operating system is Vista; I have been using Windows Mail for several years with no problem. Nothing has changed with my computer re: recent updates or new programs.
What is an "authentication mechanism" and how do I set/respond to the error issue? Any available help would be greatly appreciated! (FYI I'm not a computer techie-type so simple-minded (referring to me of course!!!) direction would be especially appreciated! Thank you!!!
I have tried to trouble shoot settings. Everything appears to be correct per my internet provider. My operating system is Vista; I have been using Windows Mail for several years with no problem. Nothing has changed with my computer re: recent updates or new programs.
What is an "authentication mechanism" and how do I set/respond to the error issue? Any available help would be greatly appreciated! (FYI I'm not a computer techie-type so simple-minded (referring to me of course!!!) direction would be especially appreciated! Thank you!!!