Internet Explorer - Won't Launch & can't update

My niece has come to me with a very interesting problem.

Internet explorer (7) won't run. I found that the IEXPLORER.exe is not in the directory. I have tried to install IE8 but it fails on configuring every time. Same happens when I try to install the cummulative IE7 updates (she's not good at installing updates).

Everytime I try any kind of install or update concerned with IE it fails at the configuration phase.

Other problems are that she can no longer use windows messenger. This connects but terminates in failure almost instantly.

I've ran a Norton Security scan which has found 144 tracking cookies but nothing more. The fix now button produces fail to lauch link which may well have something to do with the IE problem.

Google Chrome is installed and works OK.

I don't know what the last good restart point is.

I've tried going into the repair feature on windows live essentials through the programs and features in the control panel but I just get a fatal error 0x8007007

Can't even look at internet options in control panel. That won't open either.

Any idea's?

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This does not work. When I try an install the downloaded file It just tells me the file is corrupt.

Is there any hope other than a complete reformat and reinstall of Vista?

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Explorer 8 isn't installed. Is there a way to remove explorer 7? Although saying that it already appears to have been removed since it won't launch and IEXPLORER.exe is not in the windows32 directory

My Computer

There are remnants of IE 7 remaining. Try this cleaner, it has helped many.

CCleaner - Home

Create a System Restore point, before using.

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    DSL provided by ATT
Before I do that I think I may have found what the problem is. Start -> All programs then right click internet explorer. On my machine the location is c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplorer.exe

on my nieces laptop it's a bit like an install file

which is a tad weird don't you think.

My Computer

I have windows 7 and my IE8 is in the same location as yours.
That was a good find. It is in the wrong location. That is why you cant uninstall and cant install.

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    DSL provided by ATT
Any Idea's how to sort this out because I'm all out of idea's on this one. Out of pure desperation I tried copying the iexplorer.exe file to C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer and the reinstall IE8. Should have known that would be just too simple.

I'm wondering whether this problem has something to do with another problem my niece had a while back where her battery ran out before her update finished.

Some kids just don't find it cool to have a power cable in their laptop.

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You mentioned that you do not know the last good restore point. Why not assume that the the update problem is the cause. Can you go back a few days before that. Updates come the second Tuesday of the Month. So if this started about a month ago, go back 6 weeks. Today is update Tuesday. You cannot just move programs.

You can try making a system resore point, just in case, and manually remove IE 7

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System One

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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    DSL provided by ATT
There are no restore points old enough. It appears that my nieces laptop does not keep all restore points. It only has the last update.

Oh ****!

I can't see any other way out. I think it's time to give this up and completely reinstall Vista.

My Computer

Why reinstall, you can use other browsers, some are even better, in my opinion. Try Chrome.

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System One

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    DSL provided by ATT
All programs that are linking to the net want to use Windows IE. If I could change the default browser to use Chrome that would be fine. Problem is I can't do that. I need to be able to at least get the windows internet options working.

If I can get the options working I can change the default to Chrome and hopefully my niece would be somewhat happier.

I think I might have an EOM recovery disk lying about somewhere. I may give that a try but I think i'll get all data backed up first.

Thanks for all your suggestions by the way, I'll give you some more rep power
Last edited:

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System One

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    DSL provided by ATT
You do not need to go to interenet options to change the default browser. Type default in search, then pick the default browser.

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Dell XPS420
    6 gig
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    ATI Radeon HD3650 256 MB
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    Intergrated 7.1 Channel Audio
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    DSL provided by ATT
Just for the record, I restored this machine (A Toshiba) back to the factory default after getting my neice to take a backup of all her data files.

So anybody else who gets this problem, if you've got a factory default setting option, it only takes a couple of hours to get your system back (not including the time it takes to do a backup of your data)

Big thanks to all those who took the time to post some help

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Glad that you are up and working, again.

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System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Dell XPS420
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    Dell SP2009W 20 inch Flat Panel w Webcam
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    DSL provided by ATT