IE8 "Send Link by Email" Function No Longer Works...

Easy Fix... Do the following:

1. Click the start (orb) bottom left of your computer screen
2. Click "Default Programs"
3. Click "Associate a file type or protocol with a program"
4. Scroll down until you see "MAILTO" on the left side of your screen
5. Highlight or click "MAIL TO" (near the bottom of the list in all caps)
6. Click "Change Program" (upper right of same box)
7. Now you will see your choices of email programs, select the one you want to use and you are now all set.

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    HP Pavilion Desktop
    Intel E2220 Dual 2.40 ghz 2400 mhz 2 core
    4gb Ram, 3.87gb physical memory, 7.95gb virtual meory
    Graphics card(s)
    Internet Speed
    DSL 1.5
Have same problem, and did everything that was suggested, but still when clicking on "Send link by email" nothing happens??? Is it possible that Norton Antivirus is blocking this?

My Computer
