My laptop with Vista Home Premium x64-bit OS and IE 8 cannot access my credit union online site since the site was upgraded. The site has a provision to check browser support. When I do, I get: Browser version - unknown 0.0, OS - Win NT, SSL Key Size - 128 bits. When I check my version of IE 8 by going to About Internet Explorer, I get IE 8, Version 8.0.6001.18865, Cipher Strength 256-bit, Update Version 0, plus a product ID. The credit union thought is was due to the cookies setting, etc. and/or the Internet Options security settings. Then, I recently went to Wells Fargo's web site to register a gift card and basically the same thing happened. It said my browser was not supported and I needed to upgrade to IE 8. When I used its test, it said I had Default 7.0 browser. I then thought that I had some corrupted files in IE 8, so I tried to download and install IE 8 from the Microsoft site. Got a message that said: "Setup cannot continue because a more recent version of IE has been detected on this computer". Don't know how or why I have a more recent version of IE 8 than what is being distributed my the Microsoft website. I have another computer in my motorhome with XP and IE 8. Used it and I was able to access both sites. Checking its version, I get IE 8, Version 8.0.6001.18702, Cipher Strength 128-bit, Update version 0. My question after this long description is, is the cipher strength the culprit and if so, how do I correct it? Or could it be something else?