Thank You and Thank You again.
After weeks with the dolts at Vista Tech support, you solved my problem in one simple concise statement.
IF WINDOWS MAIL in VISTA loses your inbox, outbox, sent, deleted, etc files,
DO what Brink just posted:
" In the main Windows Mail window (1st one that it opens to) click on View (menu bar), Layout, check Folder List, and click on OK. "
Restart the computer and all will be well.
Something about Windows One Livecare that tosses your email once and a while when it updates. (Could be another program, I'm just guessing who the culprit is)
This should be a sticky on every Vista forum and the answer posted prominently on the front page of MicroSoft's website.
Twice this happened to me. 1st time took me 4 weeks to solve. This time, around 3 hours. Thanks to Brink, next time, less than 15 seconds.
Thanks again.