Somehow I lost my "Book Marks" section of I/Explorer 8, and I do not know how to restore them..Likewise I don't know where to find actually the version I am running of Internet Explorer. Any ideas?
Not exactly sure on what you mean by losing your "Favorites". If you do not see it on the menu bar, then right click on a empty space on the IE toolbar and check "Menu Bar".
The default location for Favorites is in the C:\Users\(user name)\Favorites folder.
My Lady lost her "Bookmarks" when she moved from IE7 to IE8, but not her "Favorites." I/we discovered tonight there is a difference and there are different buttons if the Google search toolbar is installed. The Google toolbar does indeed have a "Bookmarks" and the list is (or can be) different from the IE "Favorites" list. When she upgraded to IE8, the Google search toolbar went missing. When I reinstalled that toolbar, the "Bookmarks" button and her "Bookmarks" list were restored.
Hi John,
Thanks for your reply. I want to be able to back up my Google "Booksmarks" so in the event my PC 'crashes" I can easily restore all the Web sites contained in my Bookmark section from a DVD or CD. Where can I go to accomplish this task? :D