Ie7 pop up un-wanted.


Uber PC Nut Case
Power User
This may or may not have been posted, if so I apologize.

I have another Serious Issue, with I would think IE7 and Vista?

I'll be in the middle of a Long post at one of the forums I frequent, and all the

sudden, Windows, IE7 POPS up, telling me carp, I didn't ask about.

That's an Issue, but the major Issue is, the post I had spent my time on, is GONE!!

Poof like magic :mad:

Anyone know how to turn this Un Wanted Service off?? What is it called, I know

how to access services easy enough, anyway anyone, HELP!! :cry:

Just recently I had this happen twice in one post, not here but at another Forum,

I'm very active in. . Which is a Great site my best bud started

for owners of Abit boards as they are OUT of Business. We could use some Good

Vista Heads there!!

Is it a key logger? What? I run AntiVir. It works fine. Maybe it's just that site?

Not sure, but it's driving me nutz!!

Anyone?? help??


Thank You in Advance!!

BTW, when this Message from MS POPS up, I looked for a check box to tell it

to STOP, didn't see one is a MS POP up, no Doubt in my MIND.
Last edited:

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  • Manufacturer/Model
    BlueMonster Mfg. (me)
    Intel Wolfdale @ 3.5Ghz 45nm
    GigaByte EP35-DS3R
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    NV EvGa GTX275 WTF 900meg.
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    Monitor(s) Displays
    SONY Trinitron 21" CRT P1130b
    Screen Resolution
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    2X250 GIG Caviar 2, 32 meg Cashe,
    Antec Tower Blue w/ a gang of Fans.
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    Labor of Love, Kick down a REP point, throw a guy a bone once in awhile. : ) Pleeease!!
This may or may not have been posted, if so I apologize.

I have another Serious Issue, with I would think IE7 and Vista?

I'll be in the middle of a Long post at one of the forums I frequent, and all the

sudden, Windows, IE7 POPS up, telling me carp, I didn't ask about.

That's an Issue, but the major Issue is, the post I had spent my time on, is GONE!!

Poof like magic :mad:

Anyone know how to turn this Un Wanted Service off?? What is it called, I know

how to access services easy enough, anyway anyone, HELP!! :cry:

Just recently I had this happen twice in one post, not here but at another Forum,

I'm very active in. . Which is a Great site my best bud started

for owners of Abit boards as they are OUT of Business. We could use some Good

Vista Heads there!!

Is it a key logger? What? I run AntiVir. It works fine. Maybe it's just that site?

Not sure, but it's driving me nutz!!

Anyone?? help??


Thank You in Advance!!

BTW, when this Message from MS POPS up, I looked for a check box to tell it

to STOP, didn't see one is a MS POP up, no Doubt in my MIND.

Well no to many replies, here, LOL!! WTF, over?? :cry:

It's ok I'll figure it out, actually I'm thinking FireFox again version 3 Bla Bla.

Or IE7 Pro, does anyone know if this link from C|Net is for VISTA 64 as well as 32

bit Vista:: IE7Pro - Free software downloads and reviews - CNET

Awhile back I tried the Beta IE7 Pro, it was to Buggy for my Tastes.

It is my hope that IE7 Pro, being Official now, certified. Yada Yada may have

the kinks worked out, hope so, as I did like IE7 Pro beta even with the bugs, to a

degree, I rarely Download any Beta anything, kinda had my share of them, not

always good ones, at that. Ok at best, covers it, I'd say, LOL!! :)

Google Chrome, meh... To much advertising. Yahoo way to much!! Yikes!!

Pipe in if you got a moment, Thanks!!

Blue :eek:

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    BlueMonster Mfg. (me)
    Intel Wolfdale @ 3.5Ghz 45nm
    GigaByte EP35-DS3R
    8 GIG's Gskill RAM 8500/1066
    Graphics card(s)
    NV EvGa GTX275 WTF 900meg.
    Sound Card
    Realtek ALC889A HD Audio 5.1
    Monitor(s) Displays
    SONY Trinitron 21" CRT P1130b
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    2X250 GIG Caviar 2, 32 meg Cashe,
    Antec Tower Blue w/ a gang of Fans.
    AC Freezer Pro
    Blue LED Diamondback 1600dpi
    Microsoft Reclusa Razer
    Internet Speed
    Up to 6mg/sec
    Other Info
    Labor of Love, Kick down a REP point, throw a guy a bone once in awhile. : ) Pleeease!!
you can stop the unwanted services from the msconfig utility , by this utility

you can stop all the unwanted programs and the popups.

follow the steps go to start and run type msconfig

a wizard will prompt on the screen and select the services and stop only unwanted servics.

before this select the hede windows servies so that windows service will not stop and

you can see only some programs services which you can stop .

so that there is no effect on your computer .


I've been using MSCONFIG for years. Andrew.

But thanks just the same, I need to Know the name of the service to stop it,

there lies my Problem. I'll go see if I can isolate it.

Here's an Excellent resource for Services.

Super Tweaks for Windows Vista by Black Viper (4 Vista)

Windows Vista Service Pack 1 Service Configurations by Black Viper (4 Vista w/Service pack 1)

FYI :D He also has the same for XP all versions.

Enjoy :geek:


Here's and place to check out, I tried a Custom Level, we'll

see how it goes?

Last edited:

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    BlueMonster Mfg. (me)
    Intel Wolfdale @ 3.5Ghz 45nm
    GigaByte EP35-DS3R
    8 GIG's Gskill RAM 8500/1066
    Graphics card(s)
    NV EvGa GTX275 WTF 900meg.
    Sound Card
    Realtek ALC889A HD Audio 5.1
    Monitor(s) Displays
    SONY Trinitron 21" CRT P1130b
    Screen Resolution
    Hard Drives
    2X250 GIG Caviar 2, 32 meg Cashe,
    Antec Tower Blue w/ a gang of Fans.
    AC Freezer Pro
    Blue LED Diamondback 1600dpi
    Microsoft Reclusa Razer
    Internet Speed
    Up to 6mg/sec
    Other Info
    Labor of Love, Kick down a REP point, throw a guy a bone once in awhile. : ) Pleeease!!