You need to re-configure your D-Link (I went thru that a week ago).
Three options:
(1) it with DVD that came with your router.
(2) If no DVD, go on D-link website, ID your model and get instructions on how to re- install
(3) Either call for support (cost $39.00) if out of warranty or e-mail your issue and
receive free instructions
Below is the e-mail I got two day later (It was too late...I had set up successfully thru DVD) I dunno if it applies to your situation.
Refer to the steps mentioned below to verify connectivity to the router.
Connect the computer directly to the router on the Lan port using an ethernet cable and verify that the port light status is on.
Make sure the IP address of the computer is in the 192.168.0.x range (for example with the default gateway as the router's IP address
* Refer to the steps below to assign a static IP address to the computer.
Step 1 Right-click on My Network Places and select Properties.
Step 2 Right-click on the Local Area Connection which represents your network card and select Properties.
Step 3 Highlight Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties. Enter your IP information for your network.
If connecting to a router, make sure the default gateway and a DNS server is the IP address of the router (
Try to ping the router and check the reply. Click start - run - type cmd and press enter. In the command prompt type ping and press enter..
Try accessing the web configuration of the router by typing the address in the address bar of the Internet browser.
The default username is 'admin' and the password blank (empty).
If the issue persists, it would be best if you speak with a live technician to resolve the issue.
Please call technical support at 877-45D-Link (877-453-5465). Technical support is available 24/7 to serve your needs.
Should you require further assistance with your D-Link products, please reply to this message, or call toll free at 877-453-5465.
Thank you for networking with D-Link.
D-Link Technical Support