Attachments problem

Colin Favell

New Member
Having trouble opening attachments with Vista Home we are using E/Mails through MSN Live will open pdf attachments but other types tries to download but does not get anywhere.

Any thoughts


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I was also having problems downloading attachments from Hotmail and didn't want to uninstall Norton (which has protected me sufficiently otherwise and I paid for) or switch to a different email server. When I downloaded iTunes (I know, Windows doesn't want to hear my usage of Apple products but hey, fix yours!)... anyways when I downloaded iTunes it also automatically downloaded Safari, the Apple internet browser. Just for the heck of it I tried to go into my email through the Safari browser and tried to open an attachment that wouldn't work through Internet Explorer and it worked! Yay! Hopefully it will work for all of my attachments, because I have had an extremely difficult time downloading attachments I need for school because of Internet Explorer! THANKS APPLE!

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