Please help - Downloaded files are corrupted


New Member
Whenever i download a file such as .msi installer, .exe executable, or .zip archive with IE and run it, it crashes (not IE but the file that was downloaded.) This recently started happening on my Home Premium 64-bit Vista installation, and the problem remains after reinstalling Vista two times from scratch. If the file was downloaded on another PC and saved to a flash drive, it runs fine on Vista. I have tried the sfc /scannow command, as well as disabling any firewall, antivirus, etc. and changing the IE settings. This occurs on a clean installation of Windows Vista also. Here is the crash report, for example this time I was trying to install the FireFox installer after downloading it with IE:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: Firefox Setup
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 44e24a66
Fault Module Name: Firefox Setup
Fault Module Version:
Fault Module Timestamp: 44e24a66
Exception Code: c0000096
Exception Offset: 00003d99
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Information 1: 8d13
Additional Information 2: cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311
Additional Information 3: 8d13
Additional Information 4: cdca9b1d21d12b77d84f02df48e34311Read our privacy statement: Microsoft Online Crash Analysis

help with this issue would be GREATLY appreciated as it has been plaguing me for months!

My Computer

I know and understand the problems you're having as I too have had the same issues. I'm running vista business 64bit connected via wifi to a belkin router, and when I download files (zip,rar,exe etc) they would all be corrupt. However I noticed this problem would come out of the blue and then vanish without explanation. After trying countless things to resolve the issue I made what I think may be a discovery:

Last night in an attempt to resolve the issue I disconected from my own home network and connected to my neightbours instead, and all of a sudden the problem was gone. When I reconnected to my own network the problem returned.

Now for the strange part, I have a vista 32bit laptop which is connected directly to the same belkin router via ethernet cable and it never has experienced this problem, however if I have something downloading directly onto the laptop, then at the same time start downloading something on my 64bit vista workstation via wifi, the problem disappears. In other words if my 64bit downloads without using my full 8mb bandwidth the problem goes away. So now I am getting past the problem by forcing my vista 64bit workstation to download alot slower than my bandwidth allows.

I have no earthly idea why this is happening, but in my case at least it would appear that the problem is localised to the network, or router or modem. As I stated when I connect to my neighbours 2mb wifi network the problem 100% stops!

If anyone can shed any further light on this isssue I would be grateful.

One further observation, when I download via web browser (mainly Firefox) I notice that the downloads begin at 2% or 3 % not 0%, and the downloaded file is always corrupt. When I connect to my neighbours network the download begins as normal at 0% and the file works fine. I suspect this maybe important.

My Computer

I have just discovered the exact same problems. It has limited my ability to download itunes, my virus updates, Google Earth, new programs etc. I suddenly have stopped being able to receive virus updates since 24 April ! I thought that it may be wireless interfearance, but after connecting via cable, the problem got only slightly better (I was able to download Google Earth and itunes). This hardly seems to be acceptable, but whom to speak to and what to do ?

My Computer

I still was unable to find the sourse of this problem. Much of what I stated in my previous post has proven incorrect. The problem extends beyond wifi and occured when my workstation was conected via ethernet cable. I contacted microsoft and they seemed to be in the dark too. They even explored my system through remote assistance and could not find the cause, but acknowleged the problem existed. While no one seems to know what is causing this problem I have been able to find a fix for me at least. I choke my bandwidth using NetLimiter for Vista64. By setting a download limit for all conections to just a few kb/s below my full download speed, the problem has vanished. I dont know why this problem ever occured in the first place but using NetLimiter has worked 100% for me. While we should not be expected to buy addional software to get vista64 to work properly, I for one am glad I dont have this hugely debillating problem anymore. get netlimiter here: (I cant say if this will work for everybody, but it worked for me) NetLimiter - The Ultimate Bandwidth Shaper

My Computer

I downloaded the NetLimiter 2 Pro and used it to reduce bandwidth. It is not doing the trick for me. There is definitely a minor zip file corruption happening during downloads. Where is the customer service from Microsoft now ?

My Computer

I downloaded the NetLimiter 2 Pro and used it to reduce bandwidth. It is not doing the trick for me. There is definitely a minor zip file corruption happening during downloads. Where is the customer service from Microsoft now ?

That has nothing todo with Vista at all and you will not get support from Microsft about that problem because its caused by your modem or router dropping connections...

Whats the brand and model of your modem/router?

My Computer

I have no idea why they don't use IE 7 in Vista. Less issues and it works great.

Turn off the computers, router and modem. Wait 20-30 minutes. Turn on the modem. Let it cycle for 3 minutes. Turn on the router. Give it 5 minutes. Turn on your computers and see if the problem clears.

You don't need netlimiter. Clear your temp files and temporary internet files. Remove any certificates from Vista.

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    pair of Intel E5430 quad core 2.66 GHz Xeons
    Supermicro X7DWA-N server board
    16GB DDR667
    Graphics card(s)
    eVGA 8800 GTS 640 MB video card
    Hard Drives
The Reuter is NetGrear 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v8
The DSL Modem is Speedtouch 516

I had no problems for a number of months and then it all began...I don't see how suddenly my reuter or modem could cause the problem.

My Computer

They can get damaged or corrupted. Start by resetting them and work in from there. Also call your ISP and have them test the connection. It could be flaky cable outside.

My Computer

System One

  • CPU
    pair of Intel E5430 quad core 2.66 GHz Xeons
    Supermicro X7DWA-N server board
    16GB DDR667
    Graphics card(s)
    eVGA 8800 GTS 640 MB video card
    Hard Drives
The Reuter is NetGrear 54 Mbps Wireless Router WGR614 v8
The DSL Modem is Speedtouch 516

I had no problems for a number of months and then it all began...I don't see how suddenly my router or modem could cause the problem.

Try this addon for Internet Explorer, you might like it since it comes with a ton of useful features and a really good download manager for IE...

IE7Pro - The Ultimate Add-On for Internet Explorer

My Computer

Could this be caused by a virus?

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Home Built
    Intel E8400 Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz
    Asus P5N-5 SLI
    8 GIGs OCZ DDR2 800mhz
    Graphics card(s)
    one BFG 8800GTS OC 512mbs SLI
    Sound Card
    onboard 5.1
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Dell 22inch wide screen
    Hard Drives
    500gb Western Digital SATA
    Ultra 600 watt
    Ultra Grid
    Zalman CNPS9700 LED
    Microsoft Wireless
    Gyration RF wireless miniboard
    Internet Speed
    3.0 DSL
Thanks for the follow-up question. After literally months of searching, I finally narrowed the problem down to my DSL modem. Once I replaced the modem, everything was normal. It only took 4 months to figure it out with my internet provider !

My Computer

Great to hear you finally got it resolved. A friend of mine is having the same issue and I am trying to help him figure it out. I will have him request a new modem from his DSL provider and see how that works. I dont know if we can say it's his modem though because he can download files on other pcs on his network with no problems. The only time he has a problem is if he uses his Vista machine to download...

My Computer

System One

  • Manufacturer/Model
    Home Built
    Intel E8400 Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz
    Asus P5N-5 SLI
    8 GIGs OCZ DDR2 800mhz
    Graphics card(s)
    one BFG 8800GTS OC 512mbs SLI
    Sound Card
    onboard 5.1
    Monitor(s) Displays
    Dell 22inch wide screen
    Hard Drives
    500gb Western Digital SATA
    Ultra 600 watt
    Ultra Grid
    Zalman CNPS9700 LED
    Microsoft Wireless
    Gyration RF wireless miniboard
    Internet Speed
    3.0 DSL